Thanks MC!.. you put me in a hell of position!!!! lol


New member
Well MC.......I was enjoying your fine IGF.......until you came out with this awesome I sat... reviewing it.. counting the days... before Aug 4th and it was over.....damn.........questions , I take the GF out for a nice weekend???..dinner and all at a nice place? I say.. Um?.. sorry dear........I'm broke!........what do I do??...............YES!! any wise intellectual man over 40 would do!!!..........I placed my order for 6 bottles of that SUPERB MC IGF first thing this morning at 6am!!!.............Ah.......going to love it......but damn.. am I going to get a azz-beat down............oh well........sacrifices must be made they say!!! lol............PS......MC....please if I never come back.. send the dogs out in Florida......I may be sleeping with the alligators!!!! lol:dizzy:
i hear ya brutha these are times i wish i didnt have kids lol damn school supplies, new clothes, starting football, the oldest is getting braces. i mean really whats more important muscles or teeth lol
don't feel bad I bought 6 then 10 more and now there's a better sale well might as well go for 20..LOL that's the best deal.just ordered 20 more of them little bottles.thanks Presser
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Ah.....Tears to my eyes!

I've spent many rent payments on it, shit happens
..........See I KNEW I wasn't the only one... Thanks MC IGF Fellow Bros!......after all.. what's a few ugly words from the GF or wife.....see... I keep telling people.. you gotta have PRIORITIES!!......Weights before Dates!!!!!:show:
No Offense Women

Lol not bad not bad lol

I best say.. Please if any WOMEN on here read this.. don't perceive my 'humor' to be taken as a slap in the face to you!....I am not saying we should not care for women in our life......I'm just making a point.... I ( as many others do I am sure).. place great stock in our's NOT a hobby!!!'s a way of life....and if you chose to be successful like everyone on here is and I desire to be.... sacrifices come....I guess perhaps I am in a favorable situation that I can take care of things associated with my training (hence the AWESOME MC IGF products!!!:))...while skimping on 'less important' things.......:thumbsup:
HAHAHA..funny !!

Reading some of these posts make me think there is crack in those bottles. LOL. Just kidding. I know its good stuff.
that cracked me up... crack in the bottles.... hahaha...this is worse than back when they removed the Truly Good Ultimate Orange Pre Workout shit........I starting buying all I could was like an