The big D word


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This really sucks 6yrs married find out it was a big lie! But here's the worst thing we have son... Fuck my life
Sorry, Freak. A lot of guys here are going through it, so you are not alone.

It's so much harder when there are kids involved.
Sorry man. I've gone through it (as everyone knows) and my 29 year old brother is going through his second. He has a daughter from this marriage too. We're here if you need to talk or vent.
This really sucks 6yrs married find out it was a big lie! But here's the worst thing we have son... Fuck my life

I'm in the same place you are bro.. I've been married 10 years. And I have to sons 6 & 2.. But I'm happy..
sorry bro. they say everything happens for a reason.... maybe there will be some good that comes of it. Im sure its tough right now(especially if your on tren), but you have to try to stay positive, not that i know what thats like
I hope things get better for you bro...But things can still be good even though you all are splitting up and have a kid. You just have to look at what's best for you and your son. I don't know if you ever listen to Lex and Terry on the radio, but they always say that once you've decided to go through with the divorce, you have to treat it as a business deal now and think of yourself and your son. They're dicks a lot of the time, but a lot of their advice makes sense
I'm 29 she's 25 we met when she was 19 . Now she thinks she's missed out on life , and I get left behind ......

sorry to hear this bro, i know marriage is Hard hard work, no matter how well things are or how perfect a match you are. My wife and I came close years ago but now things are better, so is there any chance of working it out bro? as long as no one cheated then theirs always the possibility of working it out
Well she's said it's not me it's her , she stop talking to her dad 6yrs ago, now there talking my grandpa died at the same time so she felt she had to see her dad, now she just found out , her parents are not together , and we just got out the E.r Thursday , she might have cancer/cervical , man life fucking sucks. Faith is all I have right now
not trying to rub salt in the wound, but if she found out that she might have cancer then why would she want a divorce? Wouldn't she want you to be there for the emotional support?
Yeah , I know , she said were starting over , she's home now , but she doesn't wanna sit still, I'm just waiting it out And yeah I know what your saying bro,,, I just wont let go....
then you really love her, and your actions are speaking it

anything that's worth having is worth working for, that goes for anything in life-relationships, bodybuilding, material items, etc
Yeah , I know , she said were starting over , she's home now , but she doesn't wanna sit still, I'm just waiting it out And yeah I know what your saying bro,,, I just wont let go....

Brotha I went through the same thing you are going through last year(even the age difference is similar), except we have 2 kids together and we were separated for 6 months. Its tough bro but be strong and don't give up. We're all here for u.