The Dude 5 weeks out

you are keeping the mass and looking better every day Dude, good luck, stay focused
You guys have no idea how big his forearms look in person. The dude has very small wrists. Makes his arms and especially his forearms and bi's look massive.

Keep it up Dude...
You guys have no idea how big his forearms look in person. The dude has very small wrists. Makes his arms and especially his forearms and bi's look massive.

Keep it up Dude...

That's always a good thing, really adds to the "bodybuilding illusion"
I was 208 yesterday after cardio first thing in the AM on an empty stomach I'm seeing improvements everyday, but weight loss is near non existent. Yesterday afternoon I was 216.
Starting 50mg of Anavar ED yesterday as well so three weeks out up until the show will be
100mg Prop ED
100mg Masteron ED
100mg of Tren ED
50mg of Proviron ED
50mg of Anavar ED
200mcg of IGF every training day - that will go to 100mcg 4 times a day with carbs when I start carb loading
I'll probably be around 100mcg of Clen twice a day
Diuretics starting Thurs night (everything is on Sat)
I'll drop sodium from 5 - 6g a day to 2g a day 6 days out.
My stamina is absolutely zero. Fortunately I'm off the 6 days prior to the show and 4 days after.
I was 208 yesterday after cardio first thing in the AM on an empty stomach I'm seeing improvements everyday, but weight loss is near non existent. Yesterday afternoon I was 216.
Starting 50mg of Anavar ED yesterday as well so three weeks out up until the show will be
100mg Prop ED
100mg Masteron ED
100mg of Tren ED
50mg of Proviron ED
50mg of Anavar ED
200mcg of IGF every training day - that will go to 100mcg 4 times a day with carbs when I start carb loading
I'll probably be around 100mcg of Clen twice a day
Diuretics starting Thurs night (everything is on Sat)
I'll drop sodium from 5 - 6g a day to 2g a day 6 days out.
My stamina is absolutely zero. Fortunately I'm off the 6 days prior to the show and 4 days after.

Sounds good bro, you'll be able to hold onto to basically everything at this point, at least most of it. I'm sure you'll come in hard as a rock too
You look good bro, but I would like to see more lines and seperation. You are lean, but might be holding a touch of water, here and there. I think once you drop the water more seperation will come out. Overall, you have held on to your size and this is by far the best you have ever looked (from the time I have know ya)...But, dont be afraid to drop a bit more weight to bring out more seperation. Not to much weight, but enough to see more lines, and cuts. (delts, chest, arms, legs, ect) Just becarful not to get to flat and start losing muscle. Your at a state where anything could happen. Drop your cals to much, and you will lose mass, keep them to high and you wont be lean enough...So watch your food intake, and judge it day by day...good luck
Also, as for your gear the final weeks...I like it all, but up the proviron to 75mg at 2 weeks out, then up to 100mg the final week. That will help with that androgen hardness...Also, you could possiable drop the prop out at 2 weeks out, that might help get rid of some water, although that is a very individual thing. some people like to go into shows without test and get super grainy, but others just lose its your call
Also, as for your gear the final weeks...I like it all, but up the proviron to 75mg at 2 weeks out, then up to 100mg the final week. That will help with that androgen hardness...Also, you could possiable drop the prop out at 2 weeks out, that might help get rid of some water, although that is a very individual thing. some people like to go into shows without test and get super grainy, but others just lose its your call

I only have 50mg caps, but plenty of them. I'm really hesitant to drop the Prop. I am afraid that will cause me to flatten and make it harder to fill out. I may lower tithe last week perhaps.