The Hardest THING IN THE WORLD!!!!!

rippedchef said:
oh yea-I forgot to tell you-NO FREAKIN' WAY YOU ARE 22%-I don't know who is testing you but find a place to get dunked-spend the extra $$ so you will know for sure!!-I was a lard ass 264 before my first show-I was on stage at 204-60 lbs I lost-my BF was 18% when I started and I looked nowhere near as lean as you do-mailbox has you about right-11-15-somewhere in there depending on where you hold fat-Train Hard!!-P.S.-hows the war against weed going??-

my war against the weed is going great. i hardly smoke. i am not getting stoned all crazy. i am taking a break from supps training and everything else even partying for 4weeks. On December 9th i will start my the CUTTING CYCLE and hit it hard.
keep up the good work!!-Also-cut if you want-its up to you but I sure do not think you HAVE to cut prior to a building cycle-you ain't fat by any means!!-Also don't compare how you look to contest pics and avatars-those are just fleeting moments-nobody can really stay at 4% BF with shredded abs for very long!!
Have to agree with ripped on that. IMO if those latest pics are where ytou are at right now I'd bulk first. Get some opinions from your pics what they think your bf% is I'm never a good judge of my ownself I always see something that I want to improve. Trust me mad your shredded right now.
mailboxkillR said:
Have to agree with ripped on that. IMO if those latest pics are where ytou are at right now I'd bulk first. Get some opinions from your pics what they think your bf% is I'm never a good judge of my ownself I always see something that I want to improve. Trust me mad your shredded right now.

Bro i am very sorry to say that but those pix are 3 weeks old and i have gained about 13lbs naturally since then i have a lot of fat and water at this time. So thats why i wanna do the cutting cycle first. Atleast for 8 weeks.

Man thanx a lot for everything, u have answered basically all my questions.

Since i have never used Liq. Clen can u tell me what is the best way to take it and at what time?
Liquid clen is taken at night because of the ketofin(makes you sleepy) start at .2cc's then next day .4cc's then 6and then 8 by then you should either have a good case of the shakes or be just on the line if your not shaking go to 1cc then back it down just a little till you have just a slight case of the shakes. You do not have to ramp down and you can run it longer than 2 weeks at a time just don't combine with a eca it's too much. Be prepared to sweat your ass off at night time I mean like completely soak a pillow. This stuff with a eca maybe all you need it's anticabolic.
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mailboxkillR said:
Liquid clen is taken at night because of the ketofin(makes you sleepy) start at .2cc's then next day .4cc's then 6and then 8 by then you should either have a good case of the shakes or be just on the line if your not shaking go to 1cc then back it down just a little till you have just a slight case of the shakes. You do not have to ramp down and you can run it longer than 2 weeks at a time just don't combine with a eca it's too much. Be prepared to sweat your ass off at night time I mean like completely soak a pillow. This stuff with a eca maybe all you need it's anticabolic.

thanx a lot for the instructions bro
away has good prices. search the threads I remember that he was having problems with cyber-rights I think he's using ziplip now.