Well its been a while..a long whhile, when i made the choice for a year off gear the last thing i needed was a reminder!
but now im 4 months back and large! 281%10%

cutting as hgh cos i dont like it!

test depot- 1g per week
test prop 600mg
fina 75mg ed
masteron 50mg eod
nolotil 1ml eod
winstrol tabs 50mg ed
t3 25mg ed
eq 300mg per week

then at week 6 i drop test depot for testex prop, and add
proviron @ i eat em like smarties!
primo @400mg
dont need much more
welcome back careful that's a lot of sause there!!!
What is your experience with taking T3 at 25mcg ed?
I wanted to run it that way, but was told to cycle it.
mbstrong said:
Welcome back, from the looks of that cycle it seems like you want to become a freak!!!!!!
Dont you remember he "IS" a freak. Good to see you back captain.
yo yo yo yo!

Good to be back press and everyone! gona be back everyday now!
thanx press, wasnt a freak for about 7 months went down 2 235 and looked like i was ill!!!!
gonna post pics after my cycles done!
press- u want my old pics and some xmas pics up?
Re: yo yo yo yo!

captaindianabol4kids said:
Good to be back press and everyone! gona be back everyday now!
thanx press, wasnt a freak for about 7 months went down 2 235 and looked like i was ill!!!!
gonna post pics after my cycles done!
press- u want my old pics and some xmas pics up?

yes cappy send me your old photos for the members section so all the new guys know whats up, traffic might be a tad slow but our members know their shit and look like it to, or post them urself bro! if you figured it out yet

also my addy to send them to if ur still an idiot is [email protected]