The more I research the dumber I feel


New member
What source is trustable. Creatine or no? Frontloading doesn't work or does it?I read somewhere to throw my protein away and go with meal replacements while bulking. All this leaves me stumped. I wanna get the most bang for my buck. I feel like everything I've learned and practiced is crap.
i think creatine is great, and although i always have frontloaded the creatine, i have read you dont have to, but i can tell ya it works great frontloading

As for protien, dont throw it away,lol, what kind do u have brutha
I think everything I have is muscletech 28g protein 140 calorie scoop. I go with 2 scoops and whole milk 3x day right now. Everything changes Monday tho...
if your trying to gain its decent I think it has to much whey concentrate, i use isopure or musclemilk light (because i love the taste) you can find deals all over on them and they are decent, always know your different kinds of protein (casein and whey, isolate, concentrate, soy, egg white etc) and that will help you gain faster too using them at the right times and the right ones. I know its confusing but do your research and you will have the right tool for the job everytime and see faster gains from from all your hard work sooner.
I'll be starting a mass cycle Monday. It's been one delay after another tho... My finger got basically smashed off at work a few months ago. Now I'm like a kid trying to sleep on Xmas eve. This is my first cycle in over 6 years almost 7 actually. So all tips are accepted and appreciated. I do have some muscle milk protein also but it's not light. Hell some days I grab a few adkins rtd and a protein bar. I gotta get my sh%+ in check tho
Muscletech is garbage...once you use it all up pick up something else. I get most of my protein from trueprotein. My girlfriend has been getting Syntrax brand protein. That stuff tastes pretty damn good and comes in a bunch of flavors.
Hey Jake did you get everything figured to start tomorrow? If not feel free to post specific questions, we would love to help you out and follow your progress!!
Basically yes. Should I be taking anything else? Protein, creatine, multivitamins, fish oil. What's good for my liver? I have the musclemilk protein and the 26x creatine from muscle tech. I went grocery shopping and have a pretty solid diet laid out I think. I really want to maximize my gains. The only thing is with this diet I'll be drinking 4 protein shakes a day...
Good glad you're ready man! As for your liver supplement I always use milk thistle first thing in the morning. It's a small pill but helps keep your liver cleaned out. That would be tge only thing I would add in. If its at all possible take a shake out and add in a meal. You can take all the supps you want but good clean food will make the biggest difference in whether you maximize your supps or not. You might also add in evening primrose oil, 1000mg in tge AM and a 1000 mg at night. Good luck and post often with how it's going. Maybe even start a log here.
Get in as much solid food as possible. Other than that you're set. Don't over think it. Eat, train, and sleep.
I think everything I have is muscletech 28g protein 140 calorie scoop. I go with 2 scoops and whole milk 3x day right now. Everything changes Monday tho...

MUSCLETECH IS JUNK!! no customer sevice you can call! Shit load of sugar and tastes like shit. I got 6 lbs of celltech blue raspberry I'll pay you to drink.. Any company with 5 page ads about one product can suck it.. Rite Zeus? Lol..