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Train hard, eat right and use the drugs conservatively to enhance your lifestyle. Always learn from your mistakes and please learn from mine.

Limitless Bodybuilding
By PJ Braun

I get asked so many questions about cycles for myself and others. The answers I give vary from individual to individual and it’s important to take into consideration how different things are done for competitive bodybuilding versus just living healthy and being on HRT. So let me give you quick history of how I got to my most aggressive cycle. I trained drug free for the first 10 years of my life. I loved experimenting with the stuff I would see ads for in magazines. Cell-Tech ads with my favorite bodybuilders had me convinced that was the secret to success when I was in high school. I still remember how shitty I would feel when that 75 grams of dextrose would have my blood sugar crashing shortly after drinking it and how I would be sweating profusely and nearly passing out. The first show I ever did was drug free at 189 pounds. After seeing everyone else I was ready to get on my first cycle.

I began with nandrolone 300mg a week and Dianabol 50mg a day. I got very strong but very bloated and after eight weeks I was so disgusted with my water retention that I got off cold turkey and took a big break! I was 22 years old and needed to do some serious research instead of listening to my friends. My next show I simply used oral Winstrol and Halotestin the last month and came in at 198 ripped pounds, and ready to move up to real injectables and stop wasting time without testosterone. I started working with a coach named John O’Reagan who was aggressive in all aspects. Lots of clean food, lots of heavy training with serious volume and plenty of steroids to go with it. I grew like a weed and placed fourth at Junior USAs then won the NPC New England at 220 pounds and 213 pounds the week later. After that I met Dave Palumbo, and we built a great relationship. He started a company called Species and along with Dave I got to be the main face. Dave was actually pretty conservative with me, and I got consistent good results.

After a couple of years, I decided that I wanted to expand my coaching business and really start experimenting with my body. You name it, I probably tried it. I loved trenbolone acetate, but who doesn't? I also loved Dianabol and Anadrol because the strength and pumps when added in to test cycles were just awesome. I once did a cycle of 250mg test cypionate every other day with 100mg tren acetate every other day and 50mg Anadrol daily in the off-season, and by the end of that six weeks I went from burning out with 225 on the flat bench for 35 reps to 50 reps and that was after also working up from 405 for five up to 405 for eight in just six weeks. I loved it! Fast-forward to the 2011 Nationals and I was bummed because I really thought I should have been in the mix and so did most of the guys I competed with. I had to really look at what I was doing because even though I won the Eastern USA heavyweights prior to that, I then got second call at Nationals and was heartbroken. I decided that I was going to make one final run at a pro card going all out by my standards and if I wasn't top five, I was going to retire and start a supplement company (hint, Blackstone Labs™). Here is the cycle I did:

•Weeks 20-10: test cypionate 500mg on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Arimidex 1mg every other day.

• Weeks 10 to show day: 250mg test cypionate every other day, 100mg Masteron every other day, 100mg trenbolone acetate every other day, 1mg Arimidex daily.

• Weeks 8 to show, add: 50mg oral Winstrol daily, 50 my oral oxandrolone daily, 50mg Proviron daily.

• Weeks 4 to show, add: 30mg Halotestin daily, bump Proviron to 100mg and Winstrol to 100mg.

I want to add that I was also using 5iu’s of Chinese GH daily that I now know was definitely fake. I really wish I had access to real GH when I was competing because once I retired and saw the effects firsthand, I would have been awesome with it really working. I also want to add that I was using 10 units of NovoLog (fast-acting insulin) post-workout on chest, back and leg day. I also progressed up to 50mcg of Cytomel daily starting eight weeks out and I used 200mg of DNP two weeks on and four weeks off starting 20 weeks out and let me tell you, DNP is the most intense fat-burning product I have ever used. At 200mg a day the side effects were not bad; I was just hot and sweated more than normal but the fat seemed to literally melt off. During the process I was site-injecting painless pumps into my rear delts aggressively on the advice of a legendary pro bodybuilder who showed me how to do it and I loved what that did. So, let’s break this down for a second. At three weeks out I was on test cypionate, Masteron, tren, all injections so I felt like a pin cushion, and I was also on oral Winstrol, oxandrolone, Halotestin, Proviron, Cytomel, Arimidex and DNP!

I woke up three weeks out and got on the scale at 236 and then hit a pose in the mirror and said, “Holy shit, I am going to win the USA.” I sent photos to Dave Palumbo and Aaron Singerman just standing relaxed with the quote: 2012 USA CHAMP! I was so excited I had never looked so freaky! Three days later I was doing what was to be my last intense leg workout out at World Gym San Diego. I overdid it. I trained for over three hours and then got into a pissing contest with a couple of guys squatting after I was already done, and we ended up doing many sets of heavy squats including a set with 500 pounds. I had no business doing this, they were practically picking me up each rep. Looking back, my ego truly got the best of me.

I went home feeling terrible and the next day my stomach started swelling and shooting with pain. I wasn’t going to go to the hospital until I collapsed. Long story short, I ended up in the emergency room for a day and a half until they brought in a group of doctors who told me that they had good news and bad news. The good news is that of all the bad things I could have had happen, it wasn’t life threatening. The bad news is that I had a ruptured hemangioma. I basically exploded a blood vessel to my liver. They said this is extremely rare but probably occurred pushing too hard with a Valsalva maneuver during heavy squats. I was devastated. I asked if I would die if I tried to compete and they said no, but it was a bad idea, and I would be in horrible pain for at least a couple of weeks. I decided to just come off everything and do the show, as I was used to pain. This was something I felt I needed to do. I knew I wasn’t going to be my best ever or even my best, but I could still be very good.

So, every day I just ate four meals of 5 ounces of tilapia and some asparagus. Walked for an hour three times a day and lightly practiced posing. In between I wrapped my stomach in castor oil and plastic wrap and applied heating pads. The pain was awful, my liver wasn’t producing bile the right way so I couldn’t eat much but I never quit. I placed the worst of my career. After talking to some guys about what I went through, some of them told me they were taking more aggressive cycles than me for quite a while and I just said, “Enough is enough for me.” I realized that most of the best bodybuilders did not even have to go crazy with juice, they just had freaky genetics. Don’t get me wrong, many of them take plenty, but they are still genetically superior, and I had to look in the mirror and think about what I really wanted in life and that was to help others be their best with Blackstone Labs™. I don’t regret anything I did in bodybuilding, but some friendly advice: Train hard, eat right and use the drugs conservatively to enhance your lifestyle. Always learn from your mistakes and please learn from mine because although that was a freak accident, the steroids had to play at least some part.

Until next time, I love you all. Peace out, bye.




Instagram @pjbraunfitness
Instagram @blackstone_labs



Train hard, eat right and use the drugs conservatively to enhance your lifestyle. Always learn from your mistakes and please learn from mine.

Limitless Bodybuilding

By PJ Braun


I get asked so many questions about cycles for myself and others. The answers I give vary from individual to individual and it’s important to take into consideration how different things are done for competitive bodybuilding versus just living healthy and being on HRT. So let me give you quick history of how I got to my most aggressive cycle. I trained drug free for the first 10 years of my life. I loved experimenting with the stuff I would see ads for in magazines. Cell-Tech ads with my favorite bodybuilders had me convinced that was the secret to success when I was in high school. I still remember how shitty I would feel when that 75 grams of dextrose would have my blood sugar crashing shortly after drinking it and how I would be sweating profusely and nearly passing out. The first show I ever did was drug free at 189 pounds. After seeing everyone else I was ready to get on my first cycle.

I began with nandrolone 300mg a week and Dianabol 50mg a day. I got very strong but very bloated and after eight weeks I was so disgusted with my water retention that I got off cold turkey and took a big break! I was 22 years old and needed to do some serious research instead of listening to my friends. My next show I simply used oral Winstrol and Halotestin the last month and came in at 198 ripped pounds, and ready to move up to real injectables and stop wasting time without testosterone. I started working with a coach named John O’Reagan who was aggressive in all aspects. Lots of clean food, lots of heavy training with serious volume and plenty of steroids to go with it. I grew like a weed and placed fourth at Junior USAs then won the NPC New England at 220 pounds and 213 pounds the week later. After that I met Dave Palumbo, and we built a great relationship. He started a company called Species and along with Dave I got to be the main face. Dave was actually pretty conservative with me, and I got consistent good results.


After a couple of years, I decided that I wanted to expand my coaching business and really start experimenting with my body. You name it, I probably tried it. I loved trenbolone acetate, but who doesn't? I also loved Dianabol and Anadrol because the strength and pumps when added in to test cycles were just awesome. I once did a cycle of 250mg test cypionate every other day with 100mg tren acetate every other day and 50mg Anadrol daily in the off-season, and by the end of that six weeks I went from burning out with 225 on the flat bench for 35 reps to 50 reps and that was after also working up from 405 for five up to 405 for eight in just six weeks. I loved it! Fast-forward to the 2011 Nationals and I was bummed because I really thought I should have been in the mix and so did most of the guys I competed with. I had to really look at what I was doing because even though I won the Eastern USA heavyweights prior to that, I then got second call at Nationals and was heartbroken. I decided that I was going to make one final run at a pro card going all out by my standards and if I wasn't top five, I was going to retire and start a supplement company (hint, Blackstone Labs™). Here is the cycle I did:

•Weeks 20-10: test cypionate 500mg on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Arimidex 1mg every other day.

• Weeks 10 to show day: 250mg test cypionate every other day, 100mg Masteron every other day, 100mg trenbolone acetate every other day, 1mg Arimidex daily.

• Weeks 8 to show, add: 50mg oral Winstrol daily, 50 my oral oxandrolone daily, 50mg Proviron daily.

• Weeks 4 to show, add: 30mg Halotestin daily, bump Proviron to 100mg and Winstrol to 100mg.

I want to add that I was also using 5iu’s of Chinese GH daily that I now know was definitely fake. I really wish I had access to real GH when I was competing because once I retired and saw the effects firsthand, I would have been awesome with it really working. I also want to add that I was using 10 units of NovoLog (fast-acting insulin) post-workout on chest, back and leg day. I also progressed up to 50mcg of Cytomel daily starting eight weeks out and I used 200mg of DNP two weeks on and four weeks off starting 20 weeks out and let me tell you, DNP is the most intense fat-burning product I have ever used. At 200mg a day the side effects were not bad; I was just hot and sweated more than normal but the fat seemed to literally melt off. During the process I was site-injecting painless pumps into my rear delts aggressively on the advice of a legendary pro bodybuilder who showed me how to do it and I loved what that did. So, let’s break this down for a second. At three weeks out I was on test cypionate, Masteron, tren, all injections so I felt like a pin cushion, and I was also on oral Winstrol, oxandrolone, Halotestin, Proviron, Cytomel, Arimidex and DNP!

I woke up three weeks out and got on the scale at 236 and then hit a pose in the mirror and said, “Holy shit, I am going to win the USA.” I sent photos to Dave Palumbo and Aaron Singerman just standing relaxed with the quote: 2012 USA CHAMP! I was so excited I had never looked so freaky! Three days later I was doing what was to be my last intense leg workout out at World Gym San Diego. I overdid it. I trained for over three hours and then got into a pissing contest with a couple of guys squatting after I was already done, and we ended up doing many sets of heavy squats including a set with 500 pounds. I had no business doing this, they were practically picking me up each rep. Looking back, my ego truly got the best of me.

I went home feeling terrible and the next day my stomach started swelling and shooting with pain. I wasn’t going to go to the hospital until I collapsed. Long story short, I ended up in the emergency room for a day and a half until they brought in a group of doctors who told me that they had good news and bad news. The good news is that of all the bad things I could have had happen, it wasn’t life threatening. The bad news is that I had a ruptured hemangioma. I basically exploded a blood vessel to my liver. They said this is extremely rare but probably occurred pushing too hard with a Valsalva maneuver during heavy squats. I was devastated. I asked if I would die if I tried to compete and they said no, but it was a bad idea, and I would be in horrible pain for at least a couple of weeks. I decided to just come off everything and do the show, as I was used to pain. This was something I felt I needed to do. I knew I wasn’t going to be my best ever or even my best, but I could still be very good.


So, every day I just ate four meals of 5 ounces of tilapia and some asparagus. Walked for an hour three times a day and lightly practiced posing. In between I wrapped my stomach in castor oil and plastic wrap and applied heating pads. The pain was awful, my liver wasn’t producing bile the right way so I couldn’t eat much but I never quit. I placed the worst of my career. After talking to some guys about what I went through, some of them told me they were taking more aggressive cycles than me for quite a while and I just said, “Enough is enough for me.” I realized that most of the best bodybuilders did not even have to go crazy with juice, they just had freaky genetics. Don’t get me wrong, many of them take plenty, but they are still genetically superior, and I had to look in the mirror and think about what I really wanted in life and that was to help others be their best with Blackstone Labs™. I don’t regret anything I did in bodybuilding, but some friendly advice: Train hard, eat right and use the drugs conservatively to enhance your lifestyle. Always learn from your mistakes and please learn from mine because although that was a freak accident, the steroids had to play at least some part.

Until next time, I love you all. Peace out, bye.












Instagram @pjbraunfitness

Instagram @blackstone_labs

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