The preworkout thread

I opened the Warrior Rage sachet and it had hardened up so it was pain getting it all in my shaker. I started drinking it with the thought I would drink the last part during training. But as I dropped some I just drank it all pre workout. It was crap... barely noticed anything. I did sweat a lot and my heart rate shot up but that was about it. I wouldn't bother with it. I noticed on the website they call it the strongest pre workout ever :o:D
I am gonna try my DMAA for the first time now. I used to be sensitive to stimulants so I stayed away from all the old strong pre workouts (Jack3d etc). So this should be fun :D I will report back later. I will mix 2 scoops of My Proteins aminos (contains 300mg caffeine) for intra training if I need it. I will be using 50mg DMAA (1 tab) from the start.
I had a great training session but a little disappointed. I took the tab with some of my amino drink. About 15 mins later I walked to the gym and on the way it hit me hard. I felt really focused, stimulated and well great and thought I was onto a winner. But the feeling was very short lived... maybe 20 mins tops. Combined with a good pre workout these could be great but not as strong as I expected it to be. I will experiment with them more over the next few weeks.
I LOVED the original formula of Pump Juice much so that I always called it my Pimp Juice Extreme. I preferred the Watermelon flavor over the Cherry Berry Explosion due to its milder taste. Apparently, someone sued Mr. Supps over one of the ingredients...they had patented it "for use in a pre-workout drink" or some such. So Mr. Supps had to change their formula and now they have their new edition out.

Since I loved the original so much, and even my wife loved it (she would take some before her Kung Fu and her Kick Boxes classes) Mr. Supps sent me a bottle of the new formula to try out. As you all know, I have been through a lot recently, having had neck surgery where they removed a vertebrae, replaced it with one from a bone bank, and then fused the C6 and C7 (C7 was replaced) together. However, I am now cleared to hit the gym and my neck brace has been removed. Sure, I can only life 10 pounds, but isolation machines allow me to do more on certain areas and I can do whatever I want with my legs. They have also cleared me for as much cardio as I can stand.

In light of that, I have started using the new formula. My wife will test it out next week when she returns to her classes - she took time off to care for me since I was an invalid for a bit.

I have to say, I really like this new formula. In fact, I like it better than the original. The original had a kick to it, it punched you when it started working in your body - you KNEW it was there, doing something. I did not particularly like that feeling, but the effects were so amazing that I did not care. This new formula is less "in your face", but it still provides the same amount of energy. I like to call it "quiet energy", you do not know something is giving it to you, but you have it. Also, there is absolutely no burn out when it wears off. I like that.

The Cherry Berry Explosion is the flavor they sent me, and it is far less harsh than the original. I actually like the taste of it. When this bottle runs out, I am going to buy a bottle of Watermelon and add my views of it to this thread.

Due to the calm nature of how this pre-workout hits me, I like to use it if I am VERY tired and have company coming over. No jitters, no excessive energy, just awake, alive, and ready to do anything. I have used it for about a week now (started before getting my neck brace off - it was very hard to sleep in the brace and therefor I was always tired) and am quite happy with it. If you liked the original, you will like this one too. I think the lawsuit forced Mr. Supps to create a superior product. :)

To summarize, the new formula gives the same amount of energy as the original, but without the harshness of the original. I have not been able to assess pumps from it, since I am not allowed to work that hard. Though I have to say I DID get great pumps on my legs when I worked them (since I am allowed to work them hard, as I said).

Obligatory Porn!


Never been big on pre workout but if you want a solid pre workout eat 4 Sudafed about 30 min before you lift.
Thank you for posting such a detailed review. I think the best and main reason to use Pump Juice Extreme are the pumps so once you are back to lifting normally you should enjoy it even more. The energy is exactly how you describe it which should be ideal for most. I do like to feel completely wired sometimes which is definitely not good so something else would need to be added for that.

I LOVED the original formula of Pump Juice much so that I always called it my Pimp Juice Extreme. I preferred the Watermelon flavor over the Cherry Berry Explosion due to its milder taste. Apparently, someone sued Mr. Supps over one of the ingredients...they had patented it "for use in a pre-workout drink" or some such. So Mr. Supps had to change their formula and now they have their new edition out.

Since I loved the original so much, and even my wife loved it (she would take some before her Kung Fu and her Kick Boxes classes) Mr. Supps sent me a bottle of the new formula to try out. As you all know, I have been through a lot recently, having had neck surgery where they removed a vertebrae, replaced it with one from a bone bank, and then fused the C6 and C7 (C7 was replaced) together. However, I am now cleared to hit the gym and my neck brace has been removed. Sure, I can only life 10 pounds, but isolation machines allow me to do more on certain areas and I can do whatever I want with my legs. They have also cleared me for as much cardio as I can stand.

In light of that, I have started using the new formula. My wife will test it out next week when she returns to her classes - she took time off to care for me since I was an invalid for a bit.

I have to say, I really like this new formula. In fact, I like it better than the original. The original had a kick to it, it punched you when it started working in your body - you KNEW it was there, doing something. I did not particularly like that feeling, but the effects were so amazing that I did not care. This new formula is less "in your face", but it still provides the same amount of energy. I like to call it "quiet energy", you do not know something is giving it to you, but you have it. Also, there is absolutely no burn out when it wears off. I like that.

The Cherry Berry Explosion is the flavor they sent me, and it is far less harsh than the original. I actually like the taste of it. When this bottle runs out, I am going to buy a bottle of Watermelon and add my views of it to this thread.

Due to the calm nature of how this pre-workout hits me, I like to use it if I am VERY tired and have company coming over. No jitters, no excessive energy, just awake, alive, and ready to do anything. I have used it for about a week now (started before getting my neck brace off - it was very hard to sleep in the brace and therefor I was always tired) and am quite happy with it. If you liked the original, you will like this one too. I think the lawsuit forced Mr. Supps to create a superior product. :)

To summarize, the new formula gives the same amount of energy as the original, but without the harshness of the original. I have not been able to assess pumps from it, since I am not allowed to work that hard. Though I have to say I DID get great pumps on my legs when I worked them (since I am allowed to work them hard, as I said).

Obligatory Porn!


Yesterday I trained chest and back and about 15mins pre workout I tried 1 tab of DMAA and 1 scoop of GAT's PMP and that was a great combo. I wish I had more time in the gym as I got there with an hour to go but ended up having a great workout.

Today is calves, rear delts, arms and cardio and I am gonna try 1 tab of DMAA with 1 scoop of Pump Juice Extreme :)
I think I have found a winner with 75mg DMAA pre workout. I get great focus and energy at this dose. No bad side effects either. I may even stop the caffeine pre workouts for the next month. For the last few days I have been using 2 scoops of aminos intra workout (contains 300mg caffeine) but I may just swop over to my regular aminos from today.
I think I have found a winner with 75mg DMAA pre workout. I get great focus and energy at this dose. No bad side effects either. I may even stop the caffeine pre workouts for the next month. For the last few days I have been using 2 scoops of aminos intra workout (contains 300mg caffeine) but I may just swop over to my regular aminos from today.
Gonna have to try that
It's weird as I have been getting a great response to Lee Lebrada's Super Charge Xtreme recently. It must be due to my restricted diet and my body being more in need of the boost pre workouts bring. I am also having minimal caffeine through most days just my pre workout. I sometimes have 1 nespresso in the evening but probably only 3 in the last week. So my pre workout is always the first stimulant I have every day now. In the past I would have a nespresso in the morning but Ihave purposely stopped. I also plan to have a 3 week break from all pre workouts in the near future too.

Nothing is spectacular about the product but overall it perfoms well in every area so I have used it 2 days running now. I also plan to use it 2moro before hams and back too. As I mentioned in the past on paper it looked good but never really performed like I expected but at least it wasn't a waste like I originally thought.
I have a 2 serving sample called Warrior Rage. I just looked it up and it has 250mg caffeine per serving. Good job I did look it up as I was going to have the whole thing pre workout today. Usually that would be fine but I haven't used a pre workout for about a week so it will hit me hard. I will try 1 serving and take the other serving intra training.
What's up brother? I'm a big fan of you pre workout log,and was wondering if you could answer a question for me? What pre workout would you say gives you the best pumps? I don't mind a little caffeine but don't really like going over 250mg..thanks in advance..

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What's up brother? I'm a big fan of you pre workout log,and was wondering if you could answer a question for me? What pre workout would you say gives you the best pumps? I don't mind a little caffeine but don't really like going over 250mg..thanks in advance..

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Probably Matrix Rage NO Pump Xtreme. I don't think you can get it in the US though. It only had 80mg caffeine per scoop but 2 scoops gives a great boost and incredible pumps. GSN's NitroNOX Pro would be another one I would recommend trying. I really liked Musclemeds NO BULL for pumps too.

- - - Updated - - -

Soley for this thread and experimental purposes I have many new preworkout powders on their way to me :D
Probably Matrix Rage NO Pump Xtreme. I don't think you can get it in the US though. It only had 80mg caffeine per scoop but 2 scoops gives a great boost and incredible pumps. GSN's NitroNOX Pro would be another one I would recommend trying. I really liked Musclemeds NO BULL for pumps too.

- - - Updated - - -

Soley for this thread and experimental purposes I have many new preworkout powders on their way to me :D
Thanks brother I appreciate that man. I will definitely look into getting the Matrix rage even though I'm in the US I might be able to order it overseas. if not I'll probably go with the MuscleMeds I appreciate the feedback though and keep up the log brother....

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Thanks brother I appreciate that man. I will definitely look into getting the Matrix rage even though I'm in the US I might be able to order it overseas. if not I'll probably go with the MuscleMeds I appreciate the feedback though and keep up the log brother....

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Make sure it is the Matrix Rage NO Pump Xtreme as they have about 3 or 4 matrix rage pre workout products. The musclemeds is quite stim heavy and gives great mental focus too. So if you are stimulant sensitive maybe it's best avoiding. My new products could be of interest to you know. I just need to try them all first. Some are suppose to be great for pumps.
On the way to the gym today I stopped at the post office as I had a slip due to missing a parcel. It was one of my supplement orders so I was made up. I already had mixed 1 scoop of pre jym in a shaker and taken it with me plus I had 1 nespresso before leaving my apartment. The pre workouts in the order included the Curse by Cobra Labs, NOO Pump by MAN Sports and Full as Fuck by 5% nutrition. 2 of those products are stimulant free.

I decided to add 1 scoop of full as fuck into my shaker cup of pre jym. The combo tasted good so I imagine the wildberry tastes decent but I will have to try it alone to fully know. My energy was low in the gym so maybe thats due to lack of sleep, my restricted diet or too much caffeine or everything combined. But the pumps were great so the product is off to a good start. On paper it sounds great and stacked with pre gym that is 10g's of citrulline malate so no surprise the pumps were fantastic.

The NOO Pump sounds very interesting and I will have to try it alone to gauge it's effectiveness. I have heard it's best stacked with a stimulant but I bought it because it has none. I figured it could be ideal for when I have a break from stimulants. It still has ingredients added to give you mental focus so hopefully they have enough of an effect to push me through intense training sessions when I am going through caffeine withdrawal :o

The Curse I know is a great product and I am excited to try it again. I was a bit annoyed they sent me the wrong flavour but nothing major. I much prefer the green apple flavour.

Now I don't really know what to start with :D I am thinking 2 scoops of the Curse 2moro before back training. I don't like taking great pump products before back due to past injuries (strained muscles due to added pumps). Then I will likely try the NOO PUMP on Sunday. Next week I will start combining them but first I need to know just how good the 2 new ones are when used alone.

To add to things I have another 3 brand new pre workouts on their way to me :D

Today I was rushing out as my mate picked me up to go to his gym. I opened up the NOOPump and it had all glumped together into big "stones" of pre workout :o No major thing and it must just be due to the hotter weather over the last few days. As a result though I probably put in about 3 scoops as it was awkward and I just put it more than needed. It has no stimulants in so nothing major. I will need to give it another try but it felt good and gave me decent focus (considering no stimulants). The pumps seemed ok but nothing special but I will need to experiment with it more (my workout wasn't the best). It's definitely not as good as I thought it would be but again I need to test it more.

Later I will be training calves and chest. I will need more of a boost so I am going to use The Curse and 1 scoop of Full as Fuck... that should be an amazing combo. I will use NOOPump alone when I train arms next and don't need to be stimulated.

Incidentally I tried one of the samples they sent me of the Venom Compact thermogenic fat burner from Brawn Nutrition. I used yesterday evening and it gave me a really good boost and seems decent and would work well as a pre workout itself. I might try 1 serving with 1 scoop of NOO Pump or Full as Fuck one day and should get great energy with great pumps.
I am really liking 2 scoops of the Curse and 1 scoop of Full as Fuck. So much that I don't feel like trying anything else for now. That combo gives you a bit of everything. Nothing is dosed too high and you get a great energy boost and pumps.

I will post their ingredient lists. As many know The Curse on paper looks pretty crap but in practice it's a great overall pre workout. I use 2 scoops so multiple the amounts by 2.


Plus I add 1 scoop (serving) of Full as Fuck which is listed below...

Wow i cant believe people still give pre workouts the time of day. I honestly find it hard to believe that you can truely tell a difference between one product and another. Id who knows maybe after 15 years my receptors are just so fucked from pre workout. Doesnt matter which product i take, if i make equal doses of caffeine it will all be the same..

Caffeine pills and ephedrine far exceed any pre workout out there. For pennys on the dollar.

Then add in some tren no ester, test base, injectable adrol/dbol, and keep your fingers crossed that you make it out alive.
I have taken a lot of pre workouts recently but I am loving 2 scoops of The Curse and 1 scoop of Full as Fuck. I had it on a fairly empty stomach and it was too much at first but after 15 mins that passed and I felt amazing and still do long after my workout. None stop energy, focus, great pumps and absolutely no crash. This combo definitely has me in a good place. Full as fuck takes a good 45 mins to come into effect so it's best dosed earlier and have your stimulant based pre workout (if you are using one) closer to your training session. I trained for longer today so just had both together but for 1 hour sessions definitely split them up.

Full as fuck for me gives amazing pumps and vascularity but it doesn't do what it is called in a sense. The label is amazing and it's full of many effective ingredients but it's Glycerol dose is far too low. If it were higher the fullness would definitely be there. Most of the other ingredients are clinically dosed or even over dosed it's just lacking in that one area.
I have 3 more pre workouts on the way but I don't want to change my current set up. I had forgotten how amazing the Curse really is. Just great clean energy and no crash at all. The full as fuck is giving me some incredible pumps. It really takes time to come into effect so dose it early. I was rushing today and had it too late but I finished my workout with calves and the pump/burn was insane but felt amazing. My calves felt about 2 inches bigger after a few sets :D