The preworkout thread

Tonight I used 1 scoop of Savage Roar and 1 scoop of Gamma Ray and I was flying. I had an hour to train and probably fit in about 2 hours worth of training in that 1 hour :D Plus I felt amazing after the gym... well amazing but tired :o:D
I gave some away but at the moment my pre workouts înclude...

Dynamik Muscle's Savage Roar
Dynamik Muscle's GammaRay
Run Everything Labs EWP
Cobra Labs The Curse
5% Nutrition Full as Fuck
Chaos and Pain’s Cannibal Ferox Amped
Muscle Research Pump Juice Extreme
Man Sports NOO Pump
Lee Lebrada's Supercharged Xtreme 4.0
Kaged Muscle's Pre Kaged
JYM Pre Jym

I am not getting anymore for at least 4 weeks :o:D

If you had to pick a favorite, which would it be? So far, it seems you love The Curse.

It's hard to say as some are better for certain workouts or different goals. Out of the list above I would probably go with...

1. Carnage Rage
3. EWP
4. The Curse
5. Pump Juice Extreme
I had a 1 week break in the middle from pre workouts but for the last 4 weeks I have been rotating Carnage Roar with EWP with a fullness product. Today for a change I decided to do 2 scoops of the Curse. It definitely hit me harder and walking to the gym I literally felt incredible. The energy stayed with me and overall it's a great pre workout. I think I have gone through 3-4 tubs over the last 2 years so you know it must be good. I don't think I have reordered another pre workout in the last 2 hours apart from that. But it doesn't given me the added focus the others do.

The Curse is so versatile but I would probably rate the 2 others above it for overall results. Although I didn't add in pump product to the Curse like I do the others. But for overall feel in the gym in regards to energy and focus I do rate the others slightly higher. You can't go wrong with all 3 of them though.
Tonight I done just over 1 scoop of Savage Roar and 1 scoop of Gamma Ray and it felt great. It hit me just getting in the gym and my only thought was lift as heavy as humanly possible... great workout :D
Tonight I trained legs and I felt like taking something strong as I wasn't feeling my usual motivation so I done 1 scoop of Cannibal Ferox Amped with 1 scoop of Gamma Ray. I haven't used it for awhile and thought I would be wired but to my surprise it didn't hit me hard at all. I still had a great training session and pushed it hard. One thing I have noticed is I feel so much hotter even 4 hours after training. The pump was incredible too but no surprise as both combined give the clinical 6g dose of citrulline malate amongst many other things. Back to Savage Roar 2moro :)
Today I used 2 scoops of the Curse and 1 scoop of full as fuck. I drank it on the way to the gym and just as I walked inside my whole body was tingling from the beta alanine :D I trained chest and shoulders and didn't stop for an hour. Set after set and just constant energy and feeling great.

I am using pre workouts every training day now but I am also having no other caffeine (apart from the odd tea) so even with the high usage they are hitting me hard everytime. It would be different if I was having coffee everyday but I am purposely avoiding stimulants apart from my pre workouts.

Full as Fuck has to be my best one for simply looking better. I have taken it on and off for over 6 weeks (rough guess) with various other pre workouts and notice it everytime. Sure certain stimulant based pre workouts will only add to the look due to their nitric oxide expanders and other useful ingredients. But I definitely see a difference when full as fuck is in the mix. I am always super vascular and pumped post workout after using full as fuck. I like it so much I will definitely order it again and that is rare for me.

If you ever want to look your best then Synthetine, tadalafil and full as fuck is a sure way to have you looking pumped and vascular.
Wow i cant believe people still give pre workouts the time of day. I honestly find it hard to believe that you can truely tell a difference between one product and another. Id who knows maybe after 15 years my receptors are just so fucked from pre workout. Doesnt matter which product i take, if i make equal doses of caffeine it will all be the same..

Caffeine pills and ephedrine far exceed any pre workout out there. For pennys on the dollar.

Then add in some tren no ester, test base, injectable adrol/dbol, and keep your fingers crossed that you make it out alive.

This is why I said take sudafel lol. I don't buy into pre workouts either. Now I did possibly find the best pre workout ever a couple days ago. I pinned 1 ml of Helios sub q and holy shit I was a man on a mission.
I've always blended my own pre and intra workout. I use clinical doses of everything and it's always been the only thing I'll touch.
I've always blended my own pre and intra workout. I use clinical doses of everything and it's always been the only thing I'll touch.

I done that for years. Now I like to try various different brands and sometimes mix them to achieve clinical doses.

Yesterday I used 3/4 scoop of Savage Roar and 1 scoop of the Curse and that was an amazing combo. Lots of energy and a great overall feeling. I trained back and really pushed the intensity.

Today was 1 scoop on Savage Roar and 1 scoop of Gamma Ray and as always great energy, focus, well being, pumps and fullness :)
I done that for years. Now I like to try various different brands and sometimes mix them to achieve clinical doses.

Yesterday I used 3/4 scoop of Savage Roar and 1 scoop of the Curse and that was an amazing combo. Lots of energy and a great overall feeling. I trained back and really pushed the intensity.

Today was 1 scoop on Savage Roar and 1 scoop of Gamma Ray and as always great energy, focus, well being, pumps and fullness :)
What's up brother lately I kind of changed has looked at products, and now if a product has a proprietary blend in it I try to stay away from it because like you said I want to know what I'm taking as far as clinical dosage. Anyway a new product that I have used that I really like and would like your feedback on is pump like a pro. When I use pre workouts I'm mainly looking for the pump a little energy doesn't hurt but I don't like the crazy Rush stimulant feeling. I mean in my opinion the whole point was to get the blood into the muscle in order for it to grow. You should check this product out if you get a chance brother and let me know what you think.

from BM
Looks like good stuff
It definitely is and I'm not just saying that because I know the guy. His labels on products because their self. Another company I like that doesn't deal with any proprietary blend is faknutrition..

from BM
It definitely is and I'm not just saying that because I know the guy. His labels on products because their self. Another company I like that doesn't deal with any proprietary blend is faknutrition..

from BM

It looks really good. Although as I always state you can't just go by the ingredient list and you have to try something to know how good it is. Many pre workouts look great on paper and don't perform. Some of them end up making me think they literally don't have half of what the labels states. I will have to try the one you posted. I should have updated this thread more but I have been using many different combinations of stimulant and pump based pre workouts recently. Although I have currently gone 3 days without and my plan was to have about 3 weeks break from all pre workouts to resensitize. I do this every few months. What you write is spot on though and something like you posted if used for say 1 month (after my break) would be great as it only contains a small amount of caffeine in.
How are people getting on with their pre workouts? Any good ones over the last 2 months? Any new ones you have tried that have just come out?

I was just using my various powders I have had awhile. I did go away so had a break and carried that on when I first come back. Although I will admit the break didn't last as long as I wanted. Last night I wanted to train but was feeling drained so thought I would use some pre workout. EWP was great when I first used it but as mentioned in the past it's effectiveness went down. Others I have are great all of the time. As a result of the 3 week break I decided to try 1.5 scoops of EWP and it was amazing. Great energy, focus and well being and it made a massive difference.

Customs have messed up my order and they have sent it back to the UK. Very annoyed as I ordered over 1 month ago :o In my order I had some new pre workouts to try out but I guess they will have to wait. I may order from somewhere else tonight as I want to try some new ones. Although I am curious about any new ones you guys have used before I order. Thanks
AdreNOlyn bulk black label good. The also have the cuts.
I liked the pump alot of tingling hits quick. Also chaotic equalizer good. The best I used is pure power by n-motion company close to home it can be ordered from planet nutrition. Pure power by far the best. I used.

- - - Updated - - -

Hope it was ok to put that above if not I am sorry wasn't thinking.
I never been a fan of any Pre workout product. The very few times I tried something didn't like the feeling.
I never been a fan of any Pre workout product. The very few times I tried something didn't like the feeling.

Some people can't take the stimulants and I used to be exactly the same. It's crazy to think I used to 1/2 scoop everything and even then I could react badly. Over the years my tolerance has changed a lot. 1 scoop of that pump like a pro (above) may be good for you. The matrix rage no pump should be great for you. There are some really good none stimulant products out too.