The random thread, say what ever, rant!

A few years ago, I was backing out of my driveway at my old town house, it was on a semi busy road, depending on the hr and day. it was a sunday mind you about noonish. Im backing out and see no one coming, there is a small bend kinda near by in the road that is now at my rear, but not a major bend nor excessive speed on that road either. This tool bag guy in his truck comes flying up, and acts like he didnt see me, and gets rightthe fuck on my ass, and starts blaring the horn. I have to young kids at 5 years old in the car, and my GF at the time on my left. I wasnt even engaged into drive at this point as I was trying to fix my position and go forward. He is flipping the fuck out behind me now. I lost my wig and went bananas at this point. I parked the SUV in the middle of the road where it stood, jumped out arms up, yelling ( You wanted my attention, now you got it, how the fuck you like me now mother fucker! ) The guy just acted like I was crazy. My woman is yelling for me, and now the kids are upset. I calm myself and got back in and drove off heading to the park like we planned. The fucker now is at the light with us, I get in the left to turn L, and he is in the right to go straight. The light turns green, he opens his window as I was turning and he was leaving, shoots me the bird, and yells some words ( I dont recall but along the lines of fuck you as hole ).
He had his moment to say something to me when he had my attention. WTF?
I remebered his truck, and knew that he lived down the road some ways, and it was a matter of time when I see him again. I did see him again at this Asian take-out place, he was one of those volunteer fire men, lots of keys on his pants, blue light on truck, star track shirt on, and a tap-out sticker on back of truck. I wanted to smash his egg noodle soup in his face, but guess what? I'm the better man right? fricken people, hard as rocks and taugh as nails behind that wheel. people have gotten killed for acting like this ya know, its not cool to be a douche bag. Just mind your own and let live!

yeah, ever notice how the motherfuckers wait till the last minute to say something then leave, don't have the balls to say it to your face...

and they always seem to do it when you have kids or your girl with you and they know your gonna think twice about doing something stupid...

when I was working in Buffalo, NY it was a Sun and I was leaving a shopping mall, no stop light.

was going to turn right and decided the on coming car was going too fast so I decided to wait and the little asshole behind me (just as you described) starts honking, yelling and flipping me off...
I get out pissed as hell (fought with my gf earlier that day) and yell "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I thought the little snot nose punk shit his pants...
fucking shit like the extra 10 seconds is worth getting in an accident
yeah, ever notice how the motherfuckers wait till the last minute to say something then leave, don't have the balls to say it to your face...

and they always seem to do it when you have kids or your girl with you and they know your gonna think twice about doing something stupid...

when I was working in Buffalo, NY it was a Sun and I was leaving a shopping mall, no stop light.

was going to turn right and decided the on coming car was going too fast so I decided to wait and the little asshole behind me (just as you described) starts honking, yelling and flipping me off...
I get out pissed as hell (fought with my gf earlier that day) and yell "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I thought the little snot nose punk shit his pants...
fucking shit like the extra 10 seconds is worth getting in an accident
That blows bro, like I always so tho you never know what kinda day the person had, meaning you! For all the person could know you could have just lost your job and was on your last leg, then they go and act out and do some dumb ass shit! I dont get it....
People have no patients anymore. I mean holly shit, like what the fuck is the rush for, where are we all going?!?!?!?

The worse if when cops get on your ass, like the troopers do on the major highways, I had troopers so close to my truck or car that I can't even see their hood. So I pull over and let them by, and that was all they needed, was to get by. Fuck, flash those lil lighty thingys on your hood next time, but get the fuck off my ass!
yeah what's up with that? that's happened to me in the past you said flash the lights that's what they are for
I actualy took a burger back up to the counter at a McDonalds and told them I asked for my burger without pickles, and told them their were pickles on my burger, so they take it back and take the pickles off it and hand me the same fucking burger, at which point I said i want my money back, cause once the pickle juice is on the burger its ruined and theres no avoiding still tasting the fucking pickle which is absolutly fucking nasty!

i bolded the problem keyword in this entire post. :D

anyone who eats at McD's kinda had it coming.

And narcs, nothing worse than a piece of shit that makes a decision knowing the consequence then all of a sudden after they're busted decides that they are now the right person to ruin someone else's life because they fucked up. If you're willing to play, you should be willing to pay, not be a fucking hypocrite and do some dirty shit. They don't help you do your job so why in the fuck would you help them do yours, I don't care what you're situation is or what the reasoning is, you put yourself in that position knowing that you could/will get caught, now man the fuck up and take responsibility and take what's coming to you. Everyone's a little bitch though, I'd say probably 90% of people will work because they're cowards and scared to do a couple years in prison even though they knew that would be the case if they got caught
ok, this is bugging me.

i have nothing agaist gays, but what i am affended by is very fat gays, wearing tight spandex capri's and flip flops to the gym every day to do zoomba.

i thought gay dudes were sposed to be small and skinny. every gay dude at the gym i go to is super fat.....its gross!!! and they fucking stare at me like their starving animals.......and these mother fuckers wear g-sting panties that they purposely let hang out. these are hard flamers man, no descency at all. it sick!!!! painted toe nails, fat boy titties, g-stings, capri's......

im affended i am, Mrbig dont want no green eggs and ham.
ok, this is bugging me.

i have nothing agaist gays, but what i am affended by is very fat gays, wearing tight spandex capri's and flip flops to the gym every day to do zoomba.

i thought gay dudes were sposed to be small and skinny. every gay dude at the gym i go to is super fat.....its gross!!! and they fucking stare at me like their starving animals.......and these mother fuckers wear g-sting panties that they purposely let hang out. these are hard flamers man, no descency at all. it sick!!!! painted toe nails, fat boy titties, g-stings, capri's......

im affended i am, Mrbig dont want no green eggs and ham.

like starving animals- HA HA!
Ain't that the truth, that's really the way they look at straight guys
ok, this is bugging me.

i have nothing agaist gays, but what i am affended by is very fat gays, wearing tight spandex capri's and flip flops to the gym every day to do zoomba.

i thought gay dudes were sposed to be small and skinny. every gay dude at the gym i go to is super fat.....its gross!!! and they fucking stare at me like their starving animals.......and these mother fuckers wear g-sting panties that they purposely let hang out. these are hard flamers man, no descency at all. it sick!!!! painted toe nails, fat boy titties, g-stings, capri's......

im affended i am, Mrbig dont want no green eggs and ham.

I think you've found your calling bro