the worlds dumbest kid

  • Thread starter Thread starter QueenofDamned
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i moderate a big Canadian board. i get up this morning and read a thread that says...."im training this 17 year old kid (17!!!!!) and he told me that he is SNORTING PELLETS."

can you believe this shit!!!! this kid is SNORTING PELLETS!!!!!!

this IS by far the DUMBEST THING i have ever read in my life....:rolleyes:
QueenofDamned said:
i moderate a big Canadian board. i get up this morning and read a thread that says...."im training this 17 year old kid (17!!!!!) and he told me that he is SNORTING PELLETS."

can you believe this shit!!!! this kid is SNORTING PELLETS!!!!!!

this IS by far the DUMBEST THING i have ever read in my life....:rolleyes:

I thought the pellets went in your ass??:D
i've heard of it too. the things people do. dumb, dumb, dumb!
When he goes to the doc when he starts having problems with his nose they'll probably think its coke or

I'm surprised people don't realize that there is binder and other shit in those pellets.
Thats some pretty dumb shit right there. I wonder if that will make your nose
Are you serious? You mean we're not supposed to snort them?

I heard a guy tell me him and his wrestling buddies used to crush up halotestin before matches and snort them. I have no idea why they would just crush them up and swallow them about an hour before but what ever. Some people are just born idiots.
I think it was in anabolics 2002 I read that was a way to do it snorting them yuck it discussed the different ways its done DMSO snorting and injecting I love to make the homebrew LOL
you CAN snort them. it's just a real fucked up way to do it....can you imagine the damage it does to your nasal system?!

and it's not nearly as effective as injection.....

and it's very retarded.....



Presser may remember this and some of the other guys who have been around a while... One guy on here was drinking deca. He got sick and was asking why. Ive heard of high school guys doing halo up the nose too. Sounds like something Steve-o on Jackass and wildboys would do. That moron snorted wasabi. Then again fina is pretty freaking dumb.
YOu mean you guys don't snort you AS? It gets to the blood stream faster...Secondly it gives you a hell of a high pre-workout...Ha!Ha!
jaywooly said:
How about the guy who injected right into his asshole? That to me, was the absolute most dumb thing ever.
That pretty much would top the cake
You can snort them but the effects hit fast and the amount of usable substance in your system is insufficient to cause any noticeable physical effects other than a charge during first 1/2 hour after snort. Also the extraneous material will interfere with the absorbation of the desired material.