Think it was the test


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Yesterday I got sick all of a sudden. Hot, cold, hot, cold, nausea, sort flu like symptoms. I am just wondering if me upping the test from 350 to a gram about 2 weeks ago might have done it? Im somewhat better today but sweating like crazy.
Hard to say for certain JT but ofcourse it could be from the test, as you always hear guys say they have the sust flu and the like with other compounds, so yeah it very well could be especialy considering the dramatic increase all at once in dose
I would say its the jump from 350 to a gram...just to much for your body to handle all at once...up your doses in small increasments and I to avoid getting that sick feeling
Still got it? If i get it then its usually gone within 24 hours give or take and im good to go after that.
it could be, but I always got that feeling within 24 hrs of taking high dose shots. It didn't take weeks for the "test flu" affects of the shot to affect me.