Think The Rock is all natural??

That's what fina is...I think the foundry is burning your brain cells, just fucking with you bro
LOL!!!!! Boy I dropped the ball on that one. Dude, my brain is so fried from work this last week. It has literay taken me the whole weekend to recoop. Bad thing is, there is a heat advisory from sunday till fckn thursday nite!!!! Gna be a fun week at work...
Lol I think he's smoking the rock! Lol
Bro, if I was smoking rock I would have 1000 posts already this month. LOL!!!!! I'm so fckn high strung as it is I def dnt need that shit. And no I dnt mean the rock as in the person. figured I better specify that before someone jumps in and starts shit, PRESSER!!!!! LOL!!!!!
Bro, if I was smoking rock I would have 1000 posts already this month. LOL!!!!! I'm so fckn high strung as it is I def dnt need that shit. And no I dnt mean the rock as in the person. figured I better specify that before someone jumps in and starts shit, PRESSER!!!!! LOL!!!!!

Thank goodness he's tired from the heat
We need to let The Rock know where Presser lives, I'm sure it'd be a good worthwhile fight to watch

lol, please i'd bitch slap the Rock, with the back of my hand! lmao

Seriously though I dont want any of that fucker, u kidding me, he'd prolly put some wrestling moves on movie that i thought were fake all these years,lol, then find something to jump off to splatter me,lol

No Thank YOU!