thoughts on running winny and tren ace at same time

mike ross

Registered Member
Gold Member
thoughts on this...winny probably at 50mg daily in divided doses. Tren ace at 75mg eod...200mg test prop thrown in too in 50mg doses eod as well...thinking about something for a he doesnt want to blow up, just harden up while dropping weight
that'll do it...LOL.......he really only would have to do one or the other IMO...especially if hes just trying to harden up like you said and not actually do a show or anything
How big is this person (wt. and ht.) ?

I know from experiance that prop, winny and tren ace combe got guys crazy ass hard. In my opinion it gives them a certain look, like a denser, harder, dryer look overall.
thats what he is looking for. carb restricted, so tren should help maximize carb uptake...winny for vascularity, lil weight loss, water loss, test just to keep metabolism moving
How big is this person (wt. and ht.) ?

I know from experiance that prop, winny and tren ace combe got guys crazy ass hard. In my opinion it gives them a certain look, like a denser, harder, dryer look overall.
thats what he is looking for. carb restricted, so tren should help maximize carb uptake...winny for vascularity, lil weight loss, water loss, test just to keep metabolism moving
I was thinking of running the same thing. Im on sust,EQ, and just started tren A for the first time, and also have winny. I might add it, but im nervous about my joints/tendons because i already have bicep tendonitis.
what i thought, hes on HRT and met a girl, blah , blah , blah...these 45+ yr old guys and their 25yr old girls...see what im dealing with...clients like chris are my much better to work with...the goal is real...not i wanna impress a girl
what i thought, hes on HRT and met a girl, blah , blah , blah...these 45+ yr old guys and their 25yr old girls...see what im dealing with...clients like chris are my much better to work with...the goal is real...not i wanna impress a girl

LoL, so you think the gf has something to do with it? Or has he already mentioned this?
Doesn't sound like he has a lot of AAS experience, or does he? Tren seems a little harsh IMHO for someone not training to compete. I like the winny, but what about 150-200mg prop and 100mg mast EOD instead of tren?
Doesn't sound like he has a lot of AAS experience, or does he? Tren seems a little harsh IMHO for someone not training to compete. I like the winny, but what about 150-200mg prop and 100mg mast EOD instead of tren?

That wouldn't be a bad substitute, but it's hard to change people's minds once they get set on something and from what Mike has said, sounds like this guy has his mind made up to run the Tren
have him give it a shot, I tried winny in the past and felt like I had the flu the whole time...everyone is diff.

it was the tren, winny, prop stack with sust

once I dropped the winny I was OK
Doesn't sound like he has a lot of AAS experience, or does he? Tren seems a little harsh IMHO for someone not training to compete. I like the winny, but what about 150-200mg prop and 100mg mast EOD instead of tren?

Plenty, will be on HRT for rest of his life...nothing beats tren from my experience if you can tolerate stack is tren, prop, mast...
Plenty, will be on HRT for rest of his life...nothing beats tren from my experience if you can tolerate stack is tren, prop, mast...

Well then, that makes more sense to my feeble brain, LOL. I thought it was just some guy trying to get buff for some hunnies.
i learned from a masters olympia top 5 guy.....prop/tren/mast/winny or halo

you know I thought about some halo right before the show...its possiable to get the old stenox 2.5mg ones...yeah you would have to take 10 a day or so...but just for a week or so...I bet it would make a diff....:eek:
I very much dislike winstrol for any period of of time other than the last 4 weeks prior to a show when I really watch the weights I'm using. As an older guy (not 20 years old) he may already have tendon issues if he's been training a while and he's going to get some great strength gains on that. Couple that with how brutal winstrol is on tendons and there's a recipe for disaster.
I very much dislike winstrol for any period of of time other than the last 4 weeks prior to a show when I really watch the weights I'm using. As an older guy (not 20 years old) he may already have tendon issues if he's been training a while and he's going to get some great strength gains on that. Couple that with how brutal winstrol is on tendons and there's a recipe for disaster.

this is my thinking, but thats why i posed the question...i like input even though im pretty strong willed in my beliefs...i doubt hes going to lift hard, basically sets of 10 to 12 or the end of the day its his call, his just having him read this every few days when he comes by