Time and stregnth loss


New member
what's up guys, i know it's been a while since I've posted, I'm in football camp right now, finished my summer training got my weight up to 255 after cutting to 197 for wrestling, took a while, got sick alot, but I made it, anyway, now that camp is a week and a day under way, I'm trying to maintain my weight and as far as strength goes we lift every other day, but it's not much it's like 4 stations and each station is a superset of something like stab ball leg curls and skiers on the stab ball or pullups and db bench, I am wondering however since camp is 2 weeks, how much strength will I actually lose, I got my bench up to 410, squat: 430, hang clean:255 and clean and jerk:255 at the end of the summer before camp, my question is how long does it actually take for someone to lose strength is it immediate or does it actually take longer, but when u go to lift heavy again ur body just is'nt used to it or what? I thought I saw an article on this over the summer in some muscle mag, but I found it ridiculous b/c they said u really don't lose ur strength for like almost 2 months, after 2 months of not lifting u start losing strength, I find that very hard to believe. So my question is how long can u go without lifting before u start losing strength? Thx fellas
you hold on to raw strength for a few weeks with zero training but you lose endurance in 10 -14 days. As long as you're training in some form or another you will not lose it completely and like Spidey said you will get it back fairly quickly