Is tne the new preworkout. ? I say yes best take 30-45 min pre-workout for great strength pumps and energy. Suggested dose 50-100 mg there are blends of tne/dbol and tne/anadrol. The blends work nice and are limitless.

Testosterone Esters Half Life Chart

  • Testosterone Suspension (with no esters attached) 2-4 hours
  • Testosterone cypionate 8-12 days
  • Testosterone enanthate 8 days
  • Testosterone propionate 2 days
  • Testosterone isocaproate 9 days
  • Testosterone undecanoate 16.5 days
  • Testosterone caproate 9 days
  • Testosterone phenylpropionate 4.5 days
  • Testosterone decanoate 15 days


Testosterone is the undisputed king of steroids mainly because it is safe, elicits rapid mass and strength gains while maintaining libido, a sense of well-being and energy. It’s not uncommon for a first time user to gain 15-20lbs of LBM in a standard testosterone cycle.

TNE stands for Testosterone No Ester. It’s 100% pure testosterone similar to aqueous Testosterone Suspension however TNE is technically a solution not a suspension. Since Testosterone powder is not highly water soluble, the steroid will noticeably separate from water and solvent solutions when the vial is left sedentary. The microcrystals of aqueous suspension will sustain an elevated testosterone release for several days. TNE contains no visible Testosterone crystals because they are in the oil solution. There are no crystals to slowly absorb into the injection site. Therefore when you inject TNE there is a very rapid increase in blood Testosterone levels that falls off faster than standard aqueous Testosterone suspension. TNE packs a big instant wallop when injected. TNE is arguably the fastest Testosterone product available today. Another advantage of TNE is you may use very small gauge needles to inject it. There are no crystals in TNE to clog the pin so an insulin syringe is no problem with TNE.

TNE is the most potent form of Testosterone because it does not possess an ester. Esters are calculated into the steroid weight therefore esterfied steroids are not a true mg for mg of free hormone. 100mg of TNE is 100mg of free hormone! Enanthate in a solution is only 72mg of free hormone per 100mg. You can see that TNE is pure steroid.


Dianabol is my absolute favorite oral steroid. It’s strong, causes rapid increases in size, strength and a significant increase in the synthesis rate of dopamine. In a study it even outperformed testosterone as far as the synthesis rate of dopamine. Dianabol is a feel good steroid that should increase mood significantly in users. Dianabol is supplied in oral tablets and in injectable form.

AMA has brilliantly combined these two powerhouse steroids into a convenient injectable blend. I recommend this product to be administered one-two hours pre-training at a volume of 1-2ml to provide increased aggression and power. Every 12 hour administration will yield impressive gains and maintain blood androgen levels.

I like to run a Test Cyp base of 400 mg weekly and administer the blend 90 minutes pre training. With 1 ml I noticed little to nothing. With 2 ml I noticed increased drive but that may be psychological. The TNE/D-bol blend may be used to kick start a cycle or used as the finish to a cycle while longer esters are clearing. It may also be used before a power lifting comp, strongman meet or a fight.
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Its always been the pre-workout to use. I can't think of anything better. Its not expensive and about as much as an OTC preworkout. The only thing that gets in the way is depending what country you live in the is legality issue. Typically TNE is 100mg per ml at 10ml per vial. Euro Pharmacies has Testosterone Base (TNE) 100mg/ml 10ml. 50mg-100mg pre workout is a normal dosage. It can be used daily to give bang to your normal testosterone dosage and workouts to help you grow. It has its benefits
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i use to love TNE in oil! hit just as fast as water based shit, and was painless, and got a crazy pump and quick gains, so yeah i like TNE
I have always wanted to try it, do you guys run it like a cycle x amount of weeks on, or can you just pick the days where you need that extra push in the gym? Like use it 3 days a week for your days with your lagging body parts?

This would be while already on a cruise dose of test.
I have always wanted to try it, do you guys run it like a cycle x amount of weeks on, or can you just pick the days where you need that extra push in the gym? Like use it 3 days a week for your days with your lagging body parts? This would be while already on a cruise dose of test.
You can use it any single one of those ways. Most people use it as a pre workout boost that has an added anabolic effect to your workout.
You can use it any single one of those ways. Most people use it as a pre workout boost that has an added anabolic effect to your workout.

Do have to cycle it if used as a pre work out? Do you have to take pct after?
Do have to cycle it if used as a pre work out? Do you have to take pct after?
Yes you want to use a PCT after using TNE. I suggest you inject Testosterone Propionate along with it everyday. How many cycles have you completed?
Yes you want to use a PCT after using TNE. I suggest you inject Testosterone Propionate along with it everyday. How many cycles have you completed?

this is similar to what I was thinking, maybe this summer when running mild prop dose, or 200 cruise dose, I can use it 3 to 4 days a week for 6 or 8weeks, kinda like a mini blast. I have always wanted to use this stuff, might have to give it a go. I know what high test levels feel like, but have never felt them go up over the course of an hour or two, seems like it would be pretty cool, and beneficial.

Thanks for the info bro.
Yes you want to use a PCT after using TNE. I suggest you inject Testosterone Propionate along with it everyday. How many cycles have you completed?

On my fourth now ( 8 week in). Was curious how others were using it as a pre work out. Currently running 750 mg of sustanon eod, 50 mg whinny ed, and MC'S igf 6 iu ed (the shit) on a 12 week cycle. As of today i am up 16 lbs and feeling solid. Expecting these last 4 weeks to show significant gains.
People please be careful with all AAS. These are powerful drugs and you talk about them like they are candy:(
On my fourth now ( 8 week in). Was curious how others were using it as a pre work out. Currently running 750 mg of sustanon eod, 50 mg whinny ed, and MC'S igf 6 iu ed (the shit) on a 12 week cycle. As of today i am up 16 lbs and feeling solid. Expecting these last 4 weeks to show significant gains.
Why are you running 750 sust EOD that is absoutely wrong. That is a weekly dose come man kill yourself on another web site.
This is just BS!!!!Inject everyday. What you fucking stupid.

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If you want to bash people go on another forum. All your posts have a condescending message putting people down. This is not what this forum is about. If you disagree with something try to be a bit respectful about it or say nothing at all. We're all here to help.
This is just BS!!!!Inject everyday. What you fucking stupid.

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You are obviously ignorant about AAS and how esters work. Then you bash people because you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground on any of these subjects. This is a great forum that many of us mature individuals enjoy using. It's kids like you that spoil it. With that said find another forum to spoil.

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