To New Female Members


I am new here as you can see. I wanted to get some tips on eating and exersise.
I am 5'2 and weigh about 127. Tomorrow I start new workout at a local womens gym. I am getting married in Jan and want to look my best.
Hi Redflame...Welcome to MC...Any questions or comments you have, feel free to post them on here...we're here to help out in any way we can...:)

BTW...Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! :)
Nicole said:

Whats up bass!!

I saw you post on Musclezine!

Good to see you!

Yea I joined when it first started, but no one ever sent me a confirmation link until the day before yesterday.
I'm glad to see you in both places...
Another new girl here.

I introduced myself in the general board, but wanted to do it here as well, because this is where I'll probably "hang out".

I'm 5'8" 138lbs. I've been working on bettering my eating habits for a few months now, and want to develop a routine that will fit into my schedule. Basically I want to tone up, get more definition, and increase muscle and flexibility (ya, that's it :) ). And I need to do my morning cardio more religiously!

I'm not interested in being "huge" or taking AS or any of that. (not that I have anything against it, I'm just telling you about me)

I'm looking forward to everything I can learn here, and will probably ask alot of questions. Gotta get back to reading...
Hi Dropping10..Welcome to MC...Any questions or comments you have feel free to post on here..everyone is always willing to help out..:)
sgfitness said:
Hello everyone! Just a quick (?) Has any gal here used LiquidEx? My BF uses, going to start my cutting cycle soon, any input on lessening sideEff?

I have never used LiquidEx..I really don't know that much about it..
sgfitness said:
Hello everyone! Just a quick (?) Has any gal here used LiquidEx? My BF uses, going to start my cutting cycle soon, any input on lessening sideEff?

Liquidex is simply liquid Anastrozole (brand name Arimidex). It's prescribed to breast cancer patients to interfere with the production of estrogen (since some breast cancer grows because of estrogen). Basically it should lower the estrogen levels in your body. A quick search of the web showed that in pregnant animals, it causes miscarriages, decreased weight or death of the fetus, and problems with bone formation.

Anyway, you might want to do some research about what decreased estrogen might do for you, but that's basically how it works.
Latinsteel said:

Welcome Hollywood! Are you from Ca or do you just like the name Hollywood? Haha!!! :D

Actually, I'm from Hollywood, Fl, I'm in the Air Force now, the nickname just stuck:)
feel free to post in the members forum....finally we get some women around here to mayb speak there mind and knowledge...i feel kinda weird saying that.... :)