Torn Pec


New member
who here has torn a pec? what does it sound like, feel like and sound like when it happens? I was doing 3rd set incline tonight and 3 into it my left pec sounded like someone was tearing velcro from something, now my upper chest and close to my shoulder ti-in is like mush? real nice, any advice thoughts, SON OF A BITCH!
Of course go to the doc. Massage and PT are great also. You need to find out if it was completely torn though. Sorry to hear that shit man. Good luck and keep us posted...
damn bro sorry to hear that yes ice the shit out of it and get to a doc to see how bad your lookin at god sounds painful as fuck good luck with that bro.
From what I've seen and read if it's torn completely it will draw up like a knot.I've torn the ligements in my bicep and left hand and that's what it sounded like.In anycase you need to see doctor quick!!!!!
I wish you the best with it bro, and bump on getting to a doc. If not treated right away you could end up with a more serious problem. Best of luck and a speedy recovery.
I've done it.- although not completely. When I tore my peck it was doing exactly the same thing. Incline bench. It felt to me like a rubber band... I could feel it spinning and snap! I went into shock for like 30 minutes. Went to the doctor cause I thought I was f-ed. He told me it was just the muscle. I didnt experience any bruising and no lump.

Now when I tore my ham doing squats with 600, whole diffrent story. That sounded like a pop-... but I didnt go into shock. I some how got the weight over my head and threw down the weight on the squat rack. My whole leg was black and blue after 3 days. Went to the docter again cause I thought I was f-ed. He said nope, You dont have the lump...

So both times I was ok.

Now when I snapped the peck muscle I wasnt on gear, and it really took like 5 years training natural to get my strength back on the incline with no pain.

But when I snapped my ham, I was on gear, and was doing squats 2 months later... I dont pick up 600 hundy anymore though.

good luck bro.
thanks for all the info guys, I was talking to a dude at work that competes bench press comps he said he did the same thing a few months ago didnt go to the doctor. he waited two months before benching again and it felt worse, so he went to the doctor and did an mri. scar tissue reduced his mobility, they didnt operate but had him stretch the shit out of it. he said you could feel the scar tissue crackin under pressure when he stretched... I think im going to check it out early and have someone look at it, didnt ball up and isnt black and blue yet, but i have a hard time even showering... thanks fellas, i will keep you posted