Total stupidity in the gym


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So Im working out and this guy walks in with a hoodie on and he's like casing the rest of the guys. Ive never seen him before and there are two other guys in the gym and he introduces himself to one. He does a couple sets of bis and walks up to the dude while he is doing preacher curls and puts his arm right beside him and says "I got you beat." Im just laughing and ask the guys workout partner if they know him and he says no. Its at that point that I notice neither guy has any calf development. They are both right at six feet, arms are around 18, and then you all know what I saw. No calves. I mean none. It was hilarious. They had bird legs and no quads. I was thinking "hey the girl over there on the eliptical has better calves than both of you and she's not even in good shape." I realize some guys have bad calf genetics but I guess guys are never going to realize they have a lower body. Some things never change.
Fuck the calves more to the point what the fuck was this guy doing..I would of told him to fuck of..and In not a very nice manner..some guys just got to much free test running around there body's. .omfg..what a that shit makes me mad..u would never get a huge lump of muscle do that shit..its always always the fat fuck that thinks he is big or the skinny fuck that thinks the same..
Yeah I would have said something too. I hate it when people do that shit. I've been at the beach and seen this in one gym guy comes in all cocked up walking around, swinging the 70lb dumbells and then flexing, fukin ***got. As for the calves I have none and my quads are small too, but have 6 breaks in your ankle and your calve rolled over on top of your shin and see how much legs you do lol. I have a plate and 9 screws too. I am going to start back on legs, I finally found a nice smith machine and put in my shop gym so it will be slow but I have to do something.
I stopped wearing contacts lenses to the gym so I don't have to see anything but whats in front of me. I'm blind as a fucking bat too. My point is............I hate people in the gym.
I was at a trade show in Vegas for a week this year in March, and one night I went to a nice restaurant for dinner. While I'm waiting for my order to come, a guy comes walking from somewhere behind me strutting like a peacock. This guy from the waist up looked like a competitive bodybuilder, arms had to be in the 21" range to give you an idea of his upper body, but he had tiny, tiny legs! My quads aren't that big, 24" to 25" tops (working on them), but this guy couldn't have had more than 21" to 22"—and his calves—practically non-existent, and he was wearing skinny jeans to make it even worse. I thought that he had really missed the boat, and I just had to laugh to myself.
Yeah, I've been working hard to improve leg size, and your right everybody does upper body, "BiG Man" until you rack up 500-600lbs on squat then them bitches are no where to be found... Ha ha
Yep. I totally understand with leg injuries too, but these guys are just looking for "show" muscle. I don't talk to any of them because most of them are douches who flex more than they lift. I have shoulder issues from working at a bottled water company. I would grab 5 gallon bottles from above my head and let them drop full weight holding them with one hand. My rotator cuff is shot in my right arm and I can barely do militaries or inclines. My shoulders are definitely one of lagging points but sometimes you just have to do what you can. I have to use incline machines because dumb bells make my shoulders feel like they are going to pop out of the capsule. It used to be so peaceful when I would go and no one was there. Now apparently 10 at night is the time for all the idiots to come in.
Yeah, I've been working hard to improve leg size, and your right everybody does upper body, "BiG Man" until you rack up 500-600lbs on squat then them bitches are no where to be found... Ha ha

True for sure. Even 300-400 lbs is very rare. I think I'm the only one in my gym (at the time I go) that does that. In fact, I could count on one hand the number of people who can that I've seen in my gym at any time.
Something else you don't see in there is deadlifting. The record is like 5 something. Ive done close to that and Im not a powerlifter. I used to do 315 for 15 reps as a warmup. The most I ever got up to was working out with 4 plates on squats and I think I did 495. Never hit 5. I cracked up the other day when a guy took his shirt off and was grunting with 285 on the bar. Sad thing is IM almost positive he was on the local colleges team.
Yeah, that's another one where I can count the people doing it on one hand. I do see a thin guy doing them on the pad from time to time with 135-185 acting like he's the ultimate, and he drops the bar after he's done his set with a big clang then walks around like, "you can't touch this." LOL.