Training for my 1st show - bikini

You say that like it's a bad thing! Look at ladies we have here! It's not about quantity, it's about quality, and damn do we have QUALITY here!!!
AWESOME log! I know its a little late but Congratulations! looking forward to updates as well :)

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She's going to be on tonight! She's been swamped with the new Bombshell routine and diet but she's looking forward to getting back on and meeting IronPlease! I told her there's a new girl on the board, and now we have three!!! LOL


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The women are taking over!!! You guys better watch out :)
Tell her to get her butt back on her...and I said hi :)

I will. She is dealing with a thyroid issue so she is bouncing back pretty good. She needs the stress relief from the gym though so she is chomping at the bit. hey we might be down in your neck of the woods some time this year. We opened up an office there and I told her to tag along when I go out there. I mentioned it to the dude a while ago so I'll keep you posted.
I will. She is dealing with a thyroid issue so she is bouncing back pretty good. She needs the stress relief from the gym though so she is chomping at the bit. hey we might be down in your neck of the woods some time this year. We opened up an office there and I told her to tag along when I go out there. I mentioned it to the dude a while ago so I'll keep you posted.

That would be awesome! Tell Cindee if it makes her feel better, Sofia Vergara has thyroid issues and she's perfect in my world!! Lol...all joking aside tell her to take it easy and feel better soon.
That would be awesome! Tell Cindee if it makes her feel better, Sofia Vergara has thyroid issues and she's perfect in my world!! Lol...all joking aside tell her to take it easy and feel better soon.

Sofia Vergara is my freebie lol
THANKS IronPlease! I appreciate it! I'm training hard right now with Team Bombshell. I'm newly on their Competition Team so changing up my training and diet. Right now plan to do another show in late August, but considering doing one in late May down in FL. We will see! I'm excited! I'll keep yall posted! :D
2nd show-bikini

Hey everyone! :wave: So...i'm going back for more. Sooner than expected! LOL :D

I'm doing a show in Panama City, FL end of this month. I about 3 weeks and 3 days out for show day. I've been training training working hardddd with my new Team. This go round my hubby doesnt have to pull triple duty. lol :) yay! He's so supportive and encouraging! Lucky lady I am!!

I'm SUPER excited about this next competition! Can't wait to get back up on stage! I am already super lean, body looks different from just 2 months ago. I'm really thrilled with the progress and changes in my body thus far. I'll post pics later this week!:D
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Awesome. I couldn't do shows that close together. It's just too draining. Keep us posted!
Hey girlie! You'll have to start a new thread now that you have your first show out of the way :) Good luck! Can't wait to see your progress.