training volume: how much do you do?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I tend to train DC even though I might do 20 sets per workout, only maybe 5 or 6 are all out sets. The rest are just warmups.
only 1 work set per exercise.....3-4 exercises per bodypart m/w/f each once a week.....i sometimes do rest-pause, but usually only super slow negative on last rep and forced or cheat reps or down the focus is time under tension and strength
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I did DC type for quite a while, but it just doesn't work with the diet and cardio for me. I do fast paced high rep multiple set training after 1 all out heavy set per bodypart. I keep my strength with the first movement then pump as much blood into the muscle as possible after and pay no attention to weight.
larger body parts roughly 16 working sets, smaller body parts 9-12 working sets. each exercise has one heavy set ay 4-6reps-max
I just go in and do it by feel. If I feel good, I use more volume. If I feel like shit, I'll go heavier and less reps
I cant stand volume all about the intensity.
I do a combo of Yates style HIT training with some DC influences thrown in there.
I am purely into listening to my body...instinctive training. Having said that...I go heavy, but I also do a lot of reps as well. Rarely do I count reps though....
I am purely into listening to my body...instinctive training. Having said that...I go heavy, but I also do a lot of reps as well. Rarely do I count reps though....

I count reps, but don't know before hand how many I'm going to do, I just start the exercise and go until I can't go anymore, then raise the weight and do it again