Traveling with gear


Do any of you have experience with this? I will be headed out in a few weeks to start training for my new job. I can drive but it is a decent travel or I can fly. I have racked my brain to figure out a way to fly with gear and pins but I just don't see a way. Obviously since I am in the middle of my prep it is very important I stay on schedule. Any of you business people who do a lot of traveling have any advice?
I travel all the time and I've done both. Hell I've even traveled with a full, 100 count of box of pins. If your just going to take a couple vials, put it in your toiletries bag. But if you're going move what the FEDS would consider a lot, I think, these days the best way to go is to simply priority mail yourself.
I travel all the time and I've done both. Hell I've even traveled with a full, 100 count of box of pins. If your just going to take a couple vials, put it in your toiletries bag. But if you're going move what the FEDS would consider a lot, I think, these days the best way to go is to simply priority mail yourself.

Really? I would be taking like 4 vials with me and some pins for about 4 weeks worth. I will then fly back and prepare to move. When I do move I will be driving out there so I wasnt worried about that. My biggest concern was getting it out there with me through the airport. They don't consider pins to be weapons or sharp objects? Also how likely would your stuff get picked up if you mail it? Sources these days go through such securities to make sure it gets to you.
DO NOT EVEN TRY TO BRING SOMETHING TO THE AIRPORT! That is just dumb and so not worth it if you get caught. As a friend, please dont be a dumbass with this.
If I'm away for a few a weeks I put the vials in my shave kit (or whatever) and put my pins a separate bag. Since it's all check-bag luggage, TSA is couldn't give a damn--they are concerned with deadly weapons, kilos of cocaine, and the like.

Whatever you, don't pull a Sylvester Stallone and put it in your carry on!

You'll be fine.
DO NOT EVEN TRY TO BRING SOMETHING TO THE AIRPORT! That is just dumb and so not worth it if you get caught. As a friend, please dont be a dumbass with this.

Dumb? Perhaps.

But I can't argue with the fact that if you don't bring anything to the airport, there's nothing to worry about.
Dumb? Perhaps.

But I can't argue with the fact that if you don't bring anything to the airport, there's nothing to worry about.

He is a personal friend of mine and new at all this also. He also just had a baby and is trying to get a new job to support his family. So trying to get drugs through the airport is a dumb move.
Yeah you don't want to be "that guy" in the news that headlines over drug lords or the economy.

Just ship it to yourself. When I ship to myself I out a few layers around the package. I put the gear inside an envelope the that goes inside a small box then that goes inside a larger box.
DO NOT EVEN TRY TO BRING SOMETHING TO THE AIRPORT! That is just dumb and so not worth it if you get caught. As a friend, please dont be a dumbass with this.

I'm in 100% agreement with Nuk. DO NOT GO TO THE AIRPORT WITH THAT SHIT! Mail it to yourself or drive. Hell, personally I would crash rather than go through the airport with it. You are taking chances with your entire future and the odds are decent that you could get caught. Please don't do that
Thanks for the advice guys. That is what I assumed anyways. I will probably mail it to myself but then again there is a chance it gets picked up. The safest it seems is to drive with it in my possession.