Tren doses for bulking?


MuscleChemistry member
Say you want to use Tren for bulking cycle, would you use a much higher dose, or keep it simple?
ive always kept it low. 400mg wk. enanthate.
its so strong you dont need much and sides can get nasty.
I dont like the enanthate version...its to harsh for me...

I like the ace version at 50-75mg EOD or 3 x a week, thats pretty much it...same as pre contest...I believe its a good overall drug for offseason or pre contest...
I dont like the enanthate version...its to harsh for me...

I like the ace version at 50-75mg EOD or 3 x a week, thats pretty much it...same as pre contest...I believe its a good overall drug for offseason or pre contest...

So lets say, 150-200mg EOD. Do you feel you would get more gains, or just more sides?
So lets say, 150-200mg EOD. Do you feel you would get more gains, or just more sides?

well at 200mg per day, I'd say the gains would be pretty good, strengh would be unreal, and you would look pretty damn dense and hard...but the sides would be crazy, and you wouldnt sleep at all...I have done 100mg EOD pre contest, and I was strong as hell...sides where pretty bad to..but, I was sick at the time to (my heart issues) so it couldve been that to...but then again, when I went to the hospital I was using Tren E to...and I believe the cardiovascular side effects where to the Tren E..but Ace isnt near as bad on sides ... I would say 100mg max for me...for you start out at 75mg (EOD) for 2 weeks, then up to 100mg (EOD) for 2 weeks, before jumping to 150mg....just be careful....
I've done 100mg ED of Tren A for 3 weeks precontest and it was horrific. I felt terrible and totally out of control. I got near the same positive effects at 100mg EOD with near no side effects. I'll never go higher than this again.
Using 360 tren e right now...seems to be working well...little too early to tell though...i'd say with tren e 300-500 is a good range...200mg eod would make me crazy

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I am much like chris in that I'd rather run Tren A. I've only ran 225mg a week tops without too bad of sides. Everything was pretty much to be expected, the strength was crazy and I was lean and hard. I didn't want to chance going any higher than that, but maybe one day I'll try and see
I've done 100mg ED of Tren A for 3 weeks precontest and it was horrific. I felt terrible and totally out of control. I got near the same positive effects at 100mg EOD with near no side effects. I'll never go higher than this again.
Think I'll follow your protocol and keep it simple and low. 100 mgs. EOD. I've been wanting to try out the fabled Tren-A.