Tren e and Deca together

I think i am going to give it a try using caber 0.5mg Monday and Thursday. I think i will be fine, as i used before those 2 hormones separately at 450mg tren e and 500 deca, so i expect to be fine, other wise i will low the dose.
The cycle is gonna be 8 to 10 weeks not sure yet, but not longer than 10 weeks, i really would like to try if those 2 compounds are worth it or not.

JackSteel, why would you add Masteron?? I am actually in a volume period, that is why i didnt add masteron as being not so low in fat, it will not work as i expect

Any other experiencies are welcome :)
I didn't see the post where the guy JackSteele told you to add Master masteron, but I would add it as well and maybe proviron to. I'm sure his reasoning is the same as mine, I'm not sure how much test you're running i thought you said 750 mg a week. Well using masteron and proviron we'll make it kind of like you're running 900 mg of test a week. The reason I say that is because obviously they both bind to the shbg and cause your body to release more free testosterone. Another good reason to run both or either one is they both have a slight anti estrogen affect, which I am one of those people who believe prolactin can be caused by high estro levels. The way I always put it to people is adding proviron or masteron to a cycle is like putting a supercharger on a car.. either way let me know what you're thinking bro or what your final decision is and I definitely think it's a good idea to do what you said and take .5 cabre twice a week..

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