Tren gone cloudy


New member
I have some tren acetate at 100mg/ml it has gone cloudy and some of it has come out of solution, I was told its fine to just heat it up and inject once it goes back into solution, It has happened me before with the last few ml in a vial but never with a new vial
i had 3 bottles from 3 different supps was weird..durabolin heated up nice, it was a problems...dbol was a little tougher...the tren/eq/prop combo was a bitch..had to reheat that shit every shot...just boiled my stuff
skully1320 said:
Just heat up, 100mg/ml is a bit high for tren. It's bound to seperate at that dose.

100mg/ml is very common for tren.
yeah, 100 is childs play,lol. I can't beleive it crashed, I would myself add about 10% bb mix that well with heat and then refilter. It should stay then.