Trenabolone- effects good and bad


Guys I will be taking this very shortly and have never taken it before. What are your experiences with this drug? I am curious to know from you guys how you liked or disliked it. Post your experience here so I can know what or what not to expect.
I love my Tren A , used Tren e before but prefer Tren A. Doing Tren E made me have a sick feeling and I lost that feeling of wanting to workout. With Tren A I looses a bit of gas but I do push on past it.I lucky enough only to suffer from night sweets, I feel a bit on edge , nothing I can't control. They say if you a asshole in general it will make you more of a asshole. I do have friends that go off the Handel over nothing while on Tren.
Tren Ace is by far my favorite compound, I would never take it without testosterone though! I think Tren ace 75mg eod, Propionate 200mg eod, and Winstrol 75mg eod combined with IGF-1 daily is by far the best cycle I have ever used! It changed my body in just a couple weeks! Kept my hard and lean, strong as an ox, but keeps my up at night sweating my balls off! I also ran tren ace straight through my shows, i dropped the test , winny and igf 10 days out and stayed on tren ace through the show and it was a real benefit!
I love the way it makes me look, hard, grainy, and seperated. It also gives me EXTREME depression and anxiety. I foam at the mouth to start then I want to get off as soon as possible. The mental sides have gotten worse as I've gotten older... or I've just become crazier Lol
Thanks for the posts guys. I wonder how I will respond. Have heard it is a very strong drug and some moodiness can occur. We will see. I will keep you guys posted in my log on that.
Love my Tren Enethate 200 mgs BUT any more than 1cc and I am in real trouble, hits me like a ton of bricks, heavy chest, non stop coughing for about 10 min and dripping sweat. Chest stays tight pretty much all day and really feel it when I breath deep. I've learned that my sticking or stopping point is 1cc and not a drop over. Also helps to apply very very slowly. Tren, masteron, test prop, winny tabs works great for me, or Tren, sus350, deca, dbol, little eq for site injections and my arsenal of peptides for bulking
tren, best thing there is. what do they say, nectar of the gods.

can make the bp go up, increase aggression, increase resting heart rate, just to name a few.
Feels slightly poisonous at times. lol. There are quite a few sides with it namely the night sweats/excessive sweating during the day, sleep issues, aggression, oily skin, acne, sexual problems, hair loss, blood pressure issues, increased levels of progesterone/prolactin - which could lead to hard to control gyno, coughing/breathing issues. I must say that this substance really changes a persons body composition, but the sides can be pretty pronounced especially when doing high amounts >50mg ED. I have experienced all of these sides at one time or another except for the hair loss.