Trestolone or Ment. Are you experienced?

Dienolone was OK for me, but didn't do too much and the PIP was crippling for 5 days after and with an Ace product that is a desoxytest is my alltime favorite cutter. If I could ever stock back up on DTA or DTC ( I like this one the best) I would buy a get close to 10% BF and talk about a game changer!! For those of you who never tried desoxytest, it did thing that mast didn't do. The only down side was some poeple got out of control acne..........I was one of the lucky few who had no issues.
I have 20ml for summer.
I've never tried it but only heard good things.
I just hope I have enough.
I'll probably run it with Tren, which I've also never tried, so it should be interesting!
Thanks for your feedback bro!

I actually have a solid source for desoxy raws, so if it's as great as everyone says, I'll be set!!
Can't wait to try it!!

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Just to clarify MENT when it was first being decscribed was MEthyl Nor Testoserone, so actual MENT refers to trestolone. In our world we typically use Ment to describe Mentdione(mentabolan).

Technically weaker but yes people have said ment seems to give more of a kick PWO then oral trest.
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Just to clarify MENT when it was first being decscribed was MEthyl Nor Testoserone, so actual MENT refers to trestolone. In our world we typically use Ment to describe Mentdione(mentabolan).

Technically weaker but yes people have said ment seems to give more of a kick PWO then oral trest.

I never thought Mentabolan when reading ment nor am I really knowledgeable on it so for those like me here you go:

Mentabolon, AKA MENTdione

Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 150

Active ingredient
7a-methyl-estra-4-en-3,17-dione - 5 mg

Other Ingredients:
Maltodextrin, Silicon Dioxide.

Recommended dosage:
1 capsule every 4 hours to a maximum of 30 mg/day. Use lowest possible dose first to assess tolerance. Do not exceed 4 weeks of use.

This is a prohormone from PHF/IBE. It was synthesized and tested for anabolic and androgenic activity in rats in 1963.

This prohormone is a "19-nor" (nandrolone derivative) and differs from nandrolone in that this hormone has a 17-ketone, where nandrolone has a 17b-hydroxy function, and also has the addition of a 7a-methyl group. This compound is a 7a-methylated dione version of nandrolone.

From warmachine at
This is essentially a steroidal precursor of a synthetic androgen called trestolone. Trestolone has been researched as a potential male contraceptive agent because it appears to inhibit testosterone function and development. The anabolic properties that PHF is speaking are from in vivo studies done with rats.... The compound has been shown to have a high androgenic receptor binding affinity, suggesting that it may exhibit favorable anabolic effects. Still, this is a compound I would not want to experiment with even if I was an experienced ph user.

From Virtus at
Sides are easy since this is a 19-nor: potential libido and erection issues, very quick shutdown of the HPTA. Positives-if dosed correctly and converts to the target steroid enough, you will probably get the same 19-nor pros as you will sides. Some water, a bulker, great strength, excellent muscle building. Basically Deca. That being said, I'm not going to try it. I'd rather just get something that has been used safely for decades and decades.... and is a proven muscle builder, if I am going to go the 19-nor route.....Plus this is a dimethylated compound like Boladrol....I wonder how this is going to make liver values look.

I can't find much on this. I'd wait until there are some more logs out there, and some blood tests. Like Virtus, I think tired and true is always the best choice.