TTokkyo Owners Indicted!!!


New member
I got this from anabolex...
Ten People Indicted, Accused Of Illegal Drug Distribution

(San Diego, CA) -- A two-year investigation focused on Laboratorios Ttokkyo, a pharmaceutical manufacturing firm in Morelos, Mexico, and Granero de Oro, a Tijuana-based veterinary business, lead to the indictment of ten people, accused of helping peddle Mexican-made ketamine that's sometimes used as a club and date rape drug, in this country. Jorge Chevreuil Bravo, who owns Granero de Oro, and Dr. Francisco Molina, the owner of Laboratorios Ttokkyo, are among those charged. According to the indictment, the Bravo-Molina organization solicited orders for ketamine and other pharmaceuticals from U.S. customers and distributors through a Web site.

Finally, I hope this puts an end to the shittiest line of AS and the unscrupulous individuals who produce them. When I first became aware of TTokkyo labs 3 years ago, I immediately knew they were in it for money and were way to stupid to pull it off. Although they are a veterinary medicine company they're products obviously are intended for human usage --300mg Deca,200mg Boldenone and whatever ridiculously high crappy products that they have. I know every one likes the dirt cheap prices of Ttokkyo, probably there only good attribute, but when your paying next to nothing for something you think is Nandrolone but in actuality is Test Enanthate in my opinion is throwing $ out the window. 2dam
Why is it whenever the media refers to Ketamine, GHB, or X they call it a Date Rape drug? when the # of people taking it for Date rape purpouses has to be ridiculously small..

99.9% of people that take these drugs are taking them for the sake of getting high and having fun..

And Ketamine would be very difficult to use as a date rape drug unless they were injecting it in the liquid form intramuscularly..

Yes you can go into a "K hole" on K but most of the people that I know take it for this exact purpouse, and they can't always get there when they are trying to do it, by doing lines of the powder you have to inhale alot of K to go into a hole, and that is especially difficult with the Tokkyo brand cuz that shit BURNS! (so i've heard)

Also K from what I have read, (NOT sure if this is a source post but better safe than sorry) shows no long term side effects, and is not harmful in anyway to date.. it was formerly used as an anasethisa for children but was discontinued when they realized it wasn't strong enough!!

anyway, just my 2 cents.
So does this mean that Ttokkyo products are going off the market? I have heard of many sources redoing their pricelist and adding other labs and taking off Ttokkyo. Any input?
winnie said:
So does this mean that Ttokkyo products are going off the market? I have heard of many sources redoing their pricelist and adding other labs and taking off Ttokkyo. Any input?

I'd like to know this as well?? :confused:
Never used the stuff and never will, but labeling it date rape is crazy, we all know alcohol is the biggest date rape drug their is.
Although they are a veterinary medicine company they're products obviously are intended for human usage --300mg Deca,200mg Boldenone and whatever ridiculously high crappy products that they have. I know every one likes the dirt cheap prices of Ttokkyo, probably there only good attribute,

QV makes 300mg deca and 200mg EQ too, so are you saying that they are garbage too? I'm not defending TTokkyo at all but I'm just wondering what's wrong with making it for human consumption at human levels since that's what 90% of it is purchased for? Plus, who the hell can stick 8-10cc's of equigan a week?........we NEED 200mg/ml strength products.....
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I'll be thinking of them when I polish off 100 tabs of their dbol in the spring...

that sucks. the heat is on
winnie said:
So does this mean that Ttokkyo products are going off the market? I have heard of many sources redoing their pricelist and adding other labs and taking off Ttokkyo. Any input?

Vaunz, this rant is not geared toward you but toward ttcrappio and their mislabeled, underdosed product line. Example: I take a cc of deca300 and within a few days I am jacked up and puffy as hell. I've experienced less bloating off of 800mgs/week for 12 weeks of Infar/Organon or Norma Hella deca. Example: 3weeks ago I take a cc of boldenone200 for some upcoming pictures and guess what? The same results. Coincidence? Counterfeit? Bad Luck? No just non-genuine, crappy AS. As for Quality-Vet, Tornel and the like I am just as skeptical. It's been known for years that pharmaceutical companies can only get 250mgs of any steroid into 1 cc of oil without sacrificing the properties of a given steroidal compound. What new scientific breakthrough has Ttcrappio discovered that has enabled them to change the laws of chemistry? They're still using the same chemicals that chemists used 20 years ago in processing AS. It's obvious that the manufacturers of these high dosed steroids are trying to cash in on eager bodybuilders with the"bigger is better" allure of their products. Think about why the strengths of AS have gone up and the prices have gone down. Think about what is fueling this black market trend.$$ Do you really think that these companies are going to worry about accurately dosing or even putting the correct steroids in the vials when they know people are going to buy them anyway because of the low price? Call me old fashioned, but when I began bodybuilding loading up a 10cc syringe with a gram of test and 400mgs of deca and knowing that what you were injecting was real was common practice. I realize that there are alot of guys out there that are new to the steroid game and that everybody doesn't have access to human steroids. For some these high dosed products are an affordable and conveniant solution. I personally don't beleive in them. 2dam
Just thought I would write a little complaint about a news segment I just saw about special K and this bust.. (i hate how the media portrays drugs, they always look for the scare tactics so that they get more ratings, thats why every drug ever is always refferred to as a "date rape" drug, cuz it gets peoples attention)

They had some girl on there who now has brain damage and a speech impediment (good way to get peoples attention showing off a girl who can't speak correctly) and they say it is from K. Then they mentioned what happend, she took K one night then they say "The next Day" She stopped breathing. and that caused her to go unconcious and get permanent brain damage.

I don't know if any of you have had any experience with K but it's normal effects when you inhale it which they say she did it lasts about 20 minutes, if you do RIDICULOUS amounts of K and go into a hole from it, you will be totally sober in under 2 hours.

There is no way (IMO) that this girl stopped breathing the next day as a result of taking K the night before, that is ridiculous.

Again not that K is harmless stuff, but It's annoying they way they portray it for the sake of media ratings.
Yeah the govt. knows that the average person is misinformed and lazy to do any outside thinking. They take advantage of that to get people on their side with there media hype and buzz words. An example of governmental hippocrasy at it's mindnumbing finest. A certain sleep inducing,GH releasing chemical who's name I dare not even mention is Scheduled as class1 and class3. Yeah, great job guys.
O.K. Just talked to my buddy and he said that Ttokkyo labs hasn't been manufacturing any products for the last couple of months. So, has anyone heard this, or can elabortate on this. I am pretty sure they are done reproducing now, but this is the first I've heard that they have been out for the pass 2 or 3 months.

winnie said:
O.K. Just talked to my buddy and he said that Ttokkyo labs hasn't been manufacturing any products for the last couple of months. So, has anyone heard this, or can elabortate on this. I am pretty sure they are done reproducing now, but this is the first I've heard that they have been out for the pass 2 or 3 months.


Sounds like all three mexican vet labs are hualting there sales at the moment. JFYI
I know everyone rips on TT...but all I can say is I kept 15 good pounds after a deca cycle only...I know this cycle is dumb, but I was then too, it was my first one...I'm positive it was deca too, because my dick was struggling by the end of hte cycle.
