Turinabol Cycle with Turanabol Tbol Dosage

So, if I'm on Test Prop, Tren Ace, Mast Prop, EQ, winnie, and clen.... would you add Tbol? I have a bunch that I've been waiting to use. I'm 5 weeks out from the Daytona Classic, and I need to tighten and harden up a little bit more.
Brother maybe Dean will answer your question.
I myself don't have much experience with Tbol!!
But Halotestin 20mg a day.
10mg pre-workout and 10mg later for last 2 weeks would help!!

I hate i leave u hanging without an answer but in my option, NO!!! They may give lean muscle and Chloro group prevents aromatase and it's dbol altered, maybe strength added anabolic affect but to tighten up more go with something more androgenic as an add on!
Like halotestin or Proviron.

Have u tried t3 or t4 or mix??

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Can't disagree presser. Like first time with test p I felt unstoppable. Bought a new company and it was so weak. Doubling the dosage still not like before. Found another company that the first vial was potent the next meh. I've used M1T and seen no real effects idk what it really was. Nothing sucks more tha getting lied to and getting some fake shit. That's a big reason i dont mess with peptides anymore.
Can't disagree presser. Like first time with test p I felt unstoppable. Bought a new company and it was so weak. Doubling the dosage still not like before. Found another company that the first vial was potent the next meh. I've used M1T and seen no real effects idk what it really was. Nothing sucks more tha getting lied to and getting some fake shit. That's a big reason i dont mess with peptides anymore.
Agreed, I get script meds myself.
Watson test cyp put my #s at controlled dose higher than westward test cyp.

I have adhd too, I take all my script meds non-hormone type only as prescribed.
Adhd med, Pharma has round ones that have scored cross to break into 4.
The oval shaped generic are an obvious difference and even taste different. The oval sweet the round like an asperin. The Pharma gives round ones and says the others are on back order and they say they are more desired. But others they keep for stock because people still needs their meds but all customers prefer oval reason they are on back order time to time...

They are real but quality not same!!!

Tbol isn't as costly in raws as anavar or Proviron according to the market.
So what it could be faked with???

Only thing cheap to fake it with that would make sense and be non-aromatasing would be winny!! Off top of my head!!!

But tbol pretty popular around I see it in post and places online thru search etc...

Tbol is only Chloro modified dbol which prevents aromatase. It's not androgenic so a drive from it I wonder, but dbol gives sense of well being strength and pumps, tbol said to do same!!

Anavar not very androgenic but real Anavar gives me strength and drive at gym but it is a DHT molecule alteration. In my experience DHT altered steroids are my favorite for everything for most part.
And the others I like or prefer are those highly androgenic like tren or trest!!
I like Anadrol but not dbol so tbol....
I would have to see for myself.

I labmax test is cheap but I haven't checked to see if it test for Tbol!!??

But methyl-test wouldn't make sense to fake as tbol because of Aromatase!!!

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Brother maybe Dean will answer your question.
I myself don't have much experience with Tbol!!
But Halotestin 20mg a day.
10mg pre-workout and 10mg later for last 2 weeks would help!!

I hate i leave u hanging without an answer but in my option, NO!!! They may give lean muscle and Chloro group prevents aromatase and it's dbol altered, maybe strength added anabolic affect but to tighten up more go with something more androgenic as an add on!
Like halotestin or Proviron.

Have u tried t3 or t4 or mix??

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I am using Proviron and T3, as well. Waiting on my next pack to come in with Halo in it. I just have a big bottle of Tbol sitting there looking at me and I wasn't sure if I should add it or not.
I am using Proviron and T3, as well. Waiting on my next pack to come in with Halo in it. I just have a big bottle of Tbol sitting there looking at me and I wasn't sure if I should add it or not.
I wouldn't overload my liver brother.
Winny really hurts mine, and actually halotestin at 20mg a day not as harsh as winny or Anadrol.
On searchs I have found that halotestin about as toxic as dbol or I guess tbol..

Something Androgenic helps with drying and hardening. I myself have gotten
body % down to 5-6% lots of times including not long ago around June 23rd this year. For muscle retention and fullness something like tbol sure, but for hardening androgenic androgenic andgenic!!!

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Agreed, I get script meds myself.
Watson test cyp put my #s at controlled dose higher than westward test cyp.

I have adhd too, I take all my script meds non-hormone type only as prescribed.
Adhd med, Pharma has round ones that have scored cross to break into 4.
The oval shaped generic are an obvious difference and even taste different. The oval sweet the round like an asperin. The Pharma gives round ones and says the others are on back order and they say they are more desired. But others they keep for stock because people still needs their meds but all customers prefer oval reason they are on back order time to time...

They are real but quality not same!!!

Tbol isn't as costly in raws as anavar or Proviron according to the market.
So what it could be faked with???

Only thing cheap to fake it with that would make sense and be non-aromatasing would be winny!! Off top of my head!!!

But tbol pretty popular around I see it in post and places online thru search etc...

Tbol is only Chloro modified dbol which prevents aromatase. It's not androgenic so a drive from it I wonder, but dbol gives sense of well being strength and pumps, tbol said to do same!!

Anavar not very androgenic but real Anavar gives me strength and drive at gym but it is a DHT molecule alteration. In my experience DHT altered steroids are my favorite for everything for most part.
And the others I like or prefer are those highly androgenic like tren or trest!!
I like Anadrol but not dbol so tbol....
I would have to see for myself.

I labmax test is cheap but I haven't checked to see if it test for Tbol!!??

But methyl-test wouldn't make sense to fake as tbol because of Aromatase!!!

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Makes sense though. Since DHT is the most active version of test.
Only thing I could see Halo being fake with would be MethylTest or maybe superdrol although you'd see gains from superdrol. Tbol yeah i could see it fsked as winny, winny a dbol have to he cheap bc i seen most companies sell dbol and winny for under 30 bucks var was double it and tbol is close to the same. I never seen methyltest on sites for sale and halo is rare too. Esp domestically for some reason. I can't say I wouldn't be interested in halo esp if i do compete. How does it make you feel halo? Normal or like dbol witj sense of well being or crazy mad like some steroid profiles claim? Curious about it. Kinda nervous about it. Esp as a new father id never hurt my daughter but i don't want to fly off the handle and get arrested or something i handle tren very well.
I am using Proviron and T3, as well. Waiting on my next pack to come in with Halo in it. I just have a big bottle of Tbol sitting there looking at me and I wasn't sure if I should add it or not.
Have you ran more c17 before? Im only asking bc could be too much liver wise. I can't say no tho i have used two c17 one of which was anadrol. I ran it with var along with a lot of milk thistle, nac and tudca. About week 5 i became super tired. My liver values were very high dr said it was the reason. Checking values os way more important than i exoected when i started ph back in my 20s nowadays im more catious lmao Anyway, doable but watch for liver issues. 😑
Only thing I could see Halo being fake with would be MethylTest or maybe superdrol although you'd see gains from superdrol. Tbol yeah i could see it fsked as winny, winny a dbol have to he cheap bc i seen most companies sell dbol and winny for under 30 bucks var was double it and tbol is close to the same. I never seen methyltest on sites for sale and halo is rare too. Esp domestically for some reason. I can't say I wouldn't be interested in halo esp if i do compete. How does it make you feel halo? Normal or like dbol witj sense of well being or crazy mad like some steroid profiles claim? Curious about it. Kinda nervous about it. Esp as a new father id never hurt my daughter but i don't want to fly off the handle and get arrested or something i handle tren very well.
Halo makes me feel normal!!!
It was actually used in test replacement.
But at gym that is where it's noticed!!
The girl there with her guy.
She will watch u perform and drool!!

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One should not be more "toxic" than the other. It is not the initial amount of the compound that causes toxicity, but the buildup of oxidation in the liver. So I would say off the top of my head that they would be the same toxicity wise. It would really depend on the dosing and duration. I would hazard to guess people stay on one or the other LONGER and that is what causes the idea that one is more toxic than others.
Halo makes me feel normal!!!It was actually used in test replacement. But at gym that is where it's noticed!!The girl there with her guy.She will watch u perform and drool!!Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Hmm makes me feel a little better about the compound. People said tren makes you psycho but for me I'm more balanced same with test. I notice more issues off cycle when i mistakenly took aromasin instead of proviron andit seemed to make me irritable same with t3 if I don't take it or take too much the fluctuations bothers me pretty badly.