Mike Arnold

New member
Turinabol Facts

Turinabol is a unique and fascinating steroid, which originally got its start as an undetectable doping agent in East German's 25 year covert and extremely successful doping program. It was the 1st steroid to ever be systematically employed on such a large scale solely for the purpose of performance enhancement. The success of this program is measured in the Olympic performances of the athletes who were subjected to it. Some estimates place the number of those involved at 10,000.

Turinabol possesses several attributes which made it desirable for inclusion in the East Germans' program, one of which is the detection factor. While no longer relevant today, this drug's rapid clearance from the bloodstream made it a common sense choice for those attempting to avoid a positive drug test. Clearing the system in just a few days, athletes were able to continue using the drug until just before the competition. This minimized performance loss and enabled the German's to become the most dominant athletic force on the planet.

Another appealing trait was its exceedingly low androgenic rating, which comes in at an astonishing 6. To help put this in perspective, even a weak androgen, such as Anavar, has an androgenic rating of 20. At the time of its production, Turinabol was considered quite an accomplishment among those in the medical community, as it was the first steroid to achieve such a distinct separation between the anabolic and androgenic effects of AAS. This makes it a great drug for women desiring to maintain their femininity, as well as for men who want to minimize the occurrence of androgenic side effects in general.

Further reducing the drug's side effect profile is its inability to aromatize and lack of progestagenic activity. This means all side effects associated with these hormones are absent, such as gynecomastia, fat gain, sexual dysfunction, water retention, mood swings, etc. Furthermore, Turinabol is unable to be 5-alpha reduced, preventing it from being converted into other active metabolites.

Traditionally labeled as a cutting steroid (a purpose which it serves well), due to the hard & dry appearance it provides, Turniabol is more accurately described as a cross between cutter and mass-builder, with greater emphasis on the cutting component. While it does not generate the type of lean mass increases witnessed with a potent mass-builder like Anadrol, it does deliver a more potent muscle building effect in comparison to many other cutters, such as Anavar, Winstrol, and Halotestin.

Another, although less publicized benefit of Turinabol is its ability to lower systematic SHBG levels. SHBG is a protein found in the bloodstream which binds up to 98% of all circulating testosterone and many other AAS. Once bound, the steroid remains permanently attached to this protein, preventing it from being able to attach to the androgen receptor and stimulate muscle growth. Because of Turinabol?s high binding affinity for SHBG, it will preferentially bind to SHBG before other steroids. This allows a higher percentage of AAS to remain in an unbound state, where they are freely able to interact with the androgen receptor and exert their muscle building effects. In essence, T-bol sacrifices itself so that other, more powerful muscle builders are better able to do their job.

T-bol is not the only steroid with a strong binding affinity to SHBG and other steroids do not bind to SHBG at all. In theory, as long as T-bol is paired with a stronger steroid which has a comparatively weaker binding affinity for SHBG, it should enhance the results of one?s cycle through SHBG modulation. There is no benefit imparted through this mechanism when T-bol is used alone, when it is used with steroids that do not bind to SHBG, or when it is used with weaker AAS that do bind to SHBG. Personally, when it comes to using AAS to modulate SHBG, I believe any positive effect on growth will be minimal. In my opinion, Turinabol is best used as intended and any benefits imparted through SHBG suppression are simply an added bonus.

As a methylated steroid, Turinabol is expected to possess some degree of liver toxicity, which it does, but unlike many other steroids in its class, it is relatively mild in this regard. This enables Turinabol to be cycled for 8-10 weeks at moderate dosages with little worry of excessive liver strain. 40-60 mg daily is a commonly employed dosing range.

Those who try T-bol usually end up liking it, but with it being absent from the market for such a long period of time, many of those who had used the original version of the drug are no longer around to supply their opinions and recommendations. This leaves an informational disconnect between the generations, with the current generation being largely unable to draw from the experiences and inspiration of the older vets. The end result is a diminishment of popularity, although undeservedly so. If you have been using oral AAS such as Winstrol and Anavar and are considering trying something else, you might want to give Turinabol a shot and see how you like it.

Right now, PSL is selling T-bol at the lowest prices I have ever seen....by a long-shot. You can pick up a thousand 10 mg tabs for $350!!!!!! This is insane...and yes, it is genuine and properly dosed. I have no doubt that everyone reading this is wondering why PSL would be practically giving this stuff under normal circumstances. Well, I am going to offer you full disclosure here...these are not normal circumstances. The truth is that while business is booming on just about every other front, our inventory of T-bol is not moving. We are not the first to experience this. Several other UGL's have recently discontinued this product and like us, they were also wondering why people weren?t buying this product. We see plenty of sales for stuff like Winstrol and Anavar, but rarely T-bol. I attribute this problem to the reason stated above...people just don't know or hear about this drug, but know and hear plenty about most other steroids. This is not the fault of the drug, but of circumstance. When it was reintroduced to the market after a lengthy absence, it lost momentum, while most of the other AAS never had to contend with this issue. T-bol is very versatile drug. It can be used for just about anything. Click on the link below to be transferred directly the sales section of the PSL store.

1000 tabs TURANABOL 10 - 10mg/tab EP - Puritysourcelabs
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Thanks for the post. I like the compound characteristics and I am really leaning on picking some up and will most likely use it while I'm bulking. I don't see it working for my contest prep but I'd like to run it along side decca and keep taking it after my decca since it appears tbol needs to be ran for a while and let it build up.
Found a little more information on tbol, aka turinabol.

Turinabol is a potent derivative of dianabol. This oral steroid is structurally a cross between methandrostenolone and clostebol (4-cholorotestosterone)
It has the same base structure as Dianabol with the added 4-chloro alteration of clostebol. In essence it’s a cousin of Dianabol displaying no estrogenic and less androgenic activity that Dianabol.
With turinabol you will get good hard gains and also does not create risk for estrogenic side effects, so there is limited water retention or risk for gynecomastia.
In studies done on male athletes that were given 10 mg every day over six weeks, no negative health effects or side effects were reported.
It is also used in low doses to reduce the binding of SHBG to other steroids. Oral Turinabol has the ability to reduce SHBG and allow testosterone to be more readily used.
Recently, Turinabol has found its way back into the hands of athletes all over the world. Turinabol became a steroid of infamy during the 1990’s when it was revealed that it had been one of the closely held secrets inside the “East German Doping Machine” This is referring to the state-sponsored doping program called “State Plan Research Theme 14.25” that operated in East Germany between 1974 and 1989 that had one goal – to cheat the Olympics
Most users do fairly well with doses between 40 and 60 milligrams per day, taken in divided doses.
Androgenic: 38
Anabolic: 200
Estrogenic: None
Progestational: Low
Active Half life
16 hours
An effective daily dose of 40mg taken every day in cycles lasting no more than 6 – 8 weeks to minimize hepatoxicity. This level is sufficient for measurable increases in lean muscle mass and strength. Turinabol is often applied as a pre-contest or cutting steroid as it does not convert to estrogen. You get a strong anabolic steroid where you get hard lean gains with the added benefit of not having to carry around any extra weight or fat.
Studies have shown that taking an oral anabolic steroid with food might decrease it’s bioavailability. This is caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones which allow some of the drug to dissolve with undigested dietary fat, reducing it’s absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. For maximum utilization
Turinabol should be taken on an empty stomach.
I just used tbol as a cycle bump recently and really liked the way it made me feel and worked.
good post irongame, and oddly enough, i never heard too much talk about running turinabol tbol during precontest prep, though ne would think it would be perfect given the less bloat , estrogen factor with added muscle volume if done right or times pre contest just right.
how did you incorporate it into your cycle? and was this part of your pre-contest cycle?

I was toward the end of a cycle preparing for my first show and at 5 weeks out I added 50mg a day in. It brought back a feeling of well being that the tren had taken away. I saw a strength bump and I looked harder by the 3rd week. I will definitely use it again.
going into a show/ photo shoot how would you compare it with winstrol, anavar or proviron?

why did you want to give this a go? and to answer your question on the show side, if you make at least 2 prior turinabl tbol runs with it during manipulation of last week show prep to find what dosage and schedule of oral tbol workd best for you, then once you know this, and how you respond down to the HOUR , then there is NO comparison between the tbol, against winny, anavar and proviron in terms of coming in tight and able to still pump up. The trick is finding out at what dosage and for how long your able to keep your muscle bellies full and not spill over, Yes turinabol even though its touted as the dry dianabol, will still smooth you over from spill over from muscle hydration (water) spilling into the area between the skin and muscle (not good)

So it works great if you know ow to manipulate it, just like anadrol or dianabol, as i know guys who know how to compete with those as well, and i personally think theyre out of their fucking minds for chancing a 12-16 week show prep just to smooth over on contest day, but they seem to have it down well.

Hope that helps answer your question a bit, as i wasnt sure exactly what you meant, but assuming you meant using tbol for skin splitting pumps on photo shoot day or contest day making skin look super thing and muscle bellies round and full.

Me however, im a traditionalist! Old school contest prep is tried and true for pressy poo
aside from turinabol whats on your list to try? masteron is the only thing on my list i have never used and would like to.
aside from turinabol whats on your list to try? masteron is the only thing on my list i have never used and would like to.
I want to try a little bit of everything to see what works best for me.

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aside from turinabol whats on your list to try? masteron is the only thing on my list i have never used and would like to.

Myostatin Inhibitors are also on my wanna try list now!

great turinabol read and write up by mike arnold for all our winter time bulk cyclers
Just got 100 50mg tbol tabs in. Never tried it before. Really just tired of dealing with water so want to see how it compares to dianabol and drol. See aromatase inhibitors make me feel like shit. So I use them as little as possible, but then it gets to a point where i'm so damn bloated that I feel like shit anyway. At least with the bloat i'm retardedly strong and look full, but still feel like shit. So going to try and go with more drier compounds. Test, Tren, Masteron, Turinabol, a little lgd, igf1, and hgh FTW.
Just got 100 50mg tbol tabs in. Never tried it before. Really just tired of dealing with water so want to see how it compares to dianabol and drol. See aromatase inhibitors make me feel like shit. So I use them as little as possible, but then it gets to a point where i'm so damn bloated that I feel like shit anyway. At least with the bloat i'm retardedly strong and look full, but still feel like shit. So going to try and go with more drier compounds. Test, Tren, Masteron, Turinabol, a little lgd, igf1, and hgh FTW.

How did you wind up liking your first run of Turinabol tbol tabs last year?