I like Tbol also when I feel my gains slowing or I feel like I'm about to plateau. It will give you that strength boost and you can crank your training intensity up even more to keep the gains moving.
I like Tbol also when I feel my gains slowing or I feel like I'm about to plateau. It will give you that strength boost and you can crank your training intensity up even more to keep the gains moving.
So I think I'm going to alternate between tbol and anavar so what do you think masher starting my 5th week of tbol should I go ahead and stop the tbol now and switch over to var or should I stay on it a little longer.

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So I think I'm going to alternate between tbol and anavar so what do you think masher starting my 5th week of tbol should I go ahead and stop the tbol now and switch over to var or should I stay on it a little longer.

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I would switch now since the gains are probably starting to diminish a bit. Hit the system with something different and make it react then go balls to the wall with the iron.
Tuffle - first off I personally don't like only oral cycles at all. If you are gonna use steroids you should always have some form of test in every/any cycle you are in. Now to answer your question, it doesn't make sense to run clomid throughout your cycle but you should keep the nolvadex on hand in case gyno builds up, which I doubt with t-bol only. Why only A t-bol cycle?

- - - Updated - - -

And you will definitely want clomid for your PCT, which should start 2-3 days after your last dose if using t-bol only and much later if using test in your cycle.
DO You guys get the Dbol euphoria on Tbol....when I use Dbol or Primo...I feel AWESOME...does this have that effect?
DO You guys get the Dbol euphoria on Tbol....when I use Dbol or Primo...I feel AWESOME...does this have that effect?
I get same sense of well being om dbol.
I heard it's there on tbol.
I never used it but I used
methyl clostabol which is almost like tbol with a little more bulk but still no aromatasing..
I got same feeling. I am confused when guys say they don't feel good on dbol.
Breakfast of champions!!!!

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So a TBOL only cycle would include Nolva + Clomid throughout? And after coming off tbol, continue to dose Nolva + Clomid for 4 weeks to gain back natural test ?

So.. if instead of Tbol I use Ligandrol, I would cycle Nolva and clomid throughout and + 4 week PCT to minimize surpression and recover natural test production?
Tbol doesn't aromatase u do not need Nolva or clomid on it.
It could cause testosterone to estro ratio imbalance in favor of estro so keep Nolva on hand.
This is reason at least trt dose of testosterone is necessary on any cycle except compounds mildly suppressive but not point really!!!
And ai is necessary on steroids that aromatase and Nolva can help for this as well.
But Nolva is only used on cycle with highly aromatasing steroids.
Tbol doesn't aromatase 4-chloro modified dbol is what it is.
4-cloro prevents any possible aromatasing, affinity for estro or progesterone receptors. And slows down dht androgenic affects.

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Tbol doesn't aromatase u do not need Nolva or clomid on it.
It could cause testosterone to estro ratio imbalance in favor of estro so keep Nolva on hand.
This is reason at least trt dose of testosterone is necessary on any cycle except compounds mildly suppressive but not point really!!!
And ai is necessary on steroids that aromatase and Nolva can help for this as well.
But Nolva is only used on cycle with highly aromatasing steroids.
Tbol doesn't aromatase 4-chloro modified dbol is what it is.
4-cloro prevents any possible aromatasing, affinity for estro or progesterone receptors. And slows down dht androgenic affects.

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And as stated above Nolva and clomid pct tool after any cycle.
Lgd is just as suppressive as steroids or close to them. Just doesn't aromatase affect hair, acne, blood cell build up, or prostate.
U still will need pct after lgd. Imo!

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I like the statements made here I might have to try it out ! I have only use anadrol so far and held no water weight and added good size. Opinions of Adrol vs Tbol?
I like the statements made here I might have to try it out ! I have only use anadrol so far and held no water weight and added good size. Opinions of Adrol vs Tbol?

bro if you didnt hold water weight by way of bloat im assuming you mean from anadrol, then yeah no point in trying tbol, unless you just need to switch it up due to receptor saturation.
It's been years since I ran it but when I did it was in the 50mg range and I remember crazy pumps in the gym, not as dry as Winnie ( what is), solid, dry gains for the most part. It was nice but I didn't feel the best on it. Hard to explain. Stomach issues and a bit lethargic maybe. Can't really put my finger on it. I still have some, maybe I'll give it another will.
I love Tbol. Ive used it in every cycle Ive ever ran. I always run it for the first 6 weeks of all my cycles. You wont see the size increase you do from dbol, but this is due to what OP said, its a lean gainer/dry gainer. But the size you do add on, will be quality muscle, and Dbol strength to boot., Yea its a little more harsh on the wallet but i say go for it.
I love Tbol. Ive used it in every cycle Ive ever ran. I always run it for the first 6 weeks of all my cycles. You wont see the size increase you do from dbol, but this is due to what OP said, its a lean gainer/dry gainer. But the size you do add on, will be quality muscle, and Dbol strength to boot., Yea its a little more harsh on the wallet but i say go for it.

Have you ever been sold dianabol as tbol? Your lucky to be able to find turinabol for every cycle