tv shows about fat people.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Despite having the one advantage of feeling better about myself after seeing can there be dozens of shows about this yet rarely a single one about health and nutrition?
I understand the general public finding relation to the show but he'll I can see fat people anywhere. No need for tv for that.
My wife loves these shows. For me, I will never understand why they are so popular. To me its like when I used to run track. I would watch the mile or 2 mile run, and the people that blew everyone away and finished 1, 2, or 3 would get a few claps, but it was the people at the back that got lapped twice that the crowd would cheer loudly for. Everyone was so proud of them for just finishing. I say how about cheering for the people that trained like champions day in and day out and won the race. Just my thoughts.
I cant stand shows like biggest loser. Of course these people are going to lose weight if they work out for 8 hours a day. They have personal trainers that are there constantly and they meals are cooked for them. no brainer here. No one in the real world has time to work out 8 hours a day. They are so big 90% ever really worked out before in their life. So its a real shock to their system. Plus at the end of the season it shows them on stage and if they were really heavy they are wearing compression suits so they dont show all the lose skin they have. They have an 90% failure rate because they dont have will power so say no in real world situations. After I watched the 1st season of the biggest loser I never watched again.
I want to create a show called the biggest winner!

Its where they grab a bunch of skinny people and train them like hell, feed them the right food and stick them on the gear and in 6months they jump on stage to see who's the biggest a best bodybuilder!

That'll be way more entertaining then watching fat people.
Me and my Wife brought this up yesterday, and I think its just the easiest to do and the easiest for people to relate to, in america we have the highest obesity rate, and its a huge issue, esp by the time im going to really need insurance, bc rates will sky rocket once all these lazy POS start dropping from heart attacks. Its a huge issue, they literally had a couple weeks back, an option for a woman at the hospital to use the cat scan machine at the zoo bc she was so heavy, that was the only option
I want to create a show called the biggest winner!

Its where they grab a bunch of skinny people and train them like hell, feed them the right food and stick them on the gear and in 6months they jump on stage to see who's the biggest a best bodybuilder!

That'll be way more entertaining then watching fat people.

hell yeah totally agreed
I hate it when they start sobing and crying trying to get me to feel sorry for them because they weigh over 400 pounds. And it is never their fault their fat, the had a bad child hood or some major trauma in their lives that made them wake up one morning a fat fuck. Fuck that!! their fat because they stuffed their face with shit and they are too fuckin lazy to get off the fuckin couch. Fuck the FAT Fuckers!!! Bitches need to quit eatin so much fuckin garbage and run. Get up and RUN you FAT Mother Bitches!!!! I don't give a shit what kind of excuse you have for being a FAT LAZY FUCK!! Get up and do something about it!!! If not jump off something tall so I don't have to look at your pathetic lazy ass. That's all I got to say..........:satan:
Me and my Wife brought this up yesterday, and I think its just the easiest to do and the easiest for people to relate to, in america we have the highest obesity rate, and its a huge issue, esp by the time im going to really need insurance, bc rates will sky rocket once all these lazy POS start dropping from heart attacks. Its a huge issue, they literally had a couple weeks back, an option for a woman at the hospital to use the cat scan machine at the zoo bc she was so heavy, that was the only option

Are you fucking kidding me?
I hate it when they start sobing and crying trying to get me to feel sorry for them because they weigh over 400 pounds. And it is never their fault their fat, the had a bad child hood or some major trauma in their lives that made them wake up one morning a fat fuck. Fuck that!! their fat because they stuffed their face with shit and they are too fuckin lazy to get off the fuckin couch. Fuck the FAT Fuckers!!! Bitches need to quit eatin so much fuckin garbage and run. Get up and RUN you FAT Mother Bitches!!!! I don't give a shit what kind of excuse you have for being a FAT LAZY FUCK!! Get up and do something about it!!! If not jump off something tall so I don't have to look at your pathetic lazy ass. That's all I got to say..........:satan:

Are you fucking kidding me?

No bro thats dead ass serious
Great rant skinny. I wanna say that out loud when asked for diet advice
The Biggest Loser is ok but tooo cheesy! There is always an underlying factor on WHY PEOPLE ARE one wants to admit that they just love food and are lazy as fuck haha.

they all had a terrible childhood experience or death in the family that led to their obesity...bullshit IMO.

im a PT so i kinda like training shows. If you guys havent seen HEAVY on Discovery Channel, check it out. It is pretty realistic on the expectations people have as well as HOW HARD IT IS once you get back to normal life. It is pretty entertaining without the crying bullshit of Biggest Loser!
yeah and you notice how america has the highest rate and everyone, grossly overweight, claims to have a thyroid gland problem or they are "stress eating" and it's never their fault. But no other country has this problem?

They don't have thyroids over seas? They don't have stress overseas?

And they most certainly don't have stupid ass shows about fat fucks over seas.

This is no shit, once me and my girlfriend went out to grab a bite to eat and after we were seated some very overweight slobs were seated at the table next to us. The fat fuckers looked at us and started shit! Because we were in shape they thought it was funny. I had a few drinks in me and started speaking loudly, "WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO BE SO FAT!"

My girlfriend told me to knock it off-"NO! I'm sick of being someones amusement that's too stupid to figure out-PUT THE FUCKING FORK DOWN!"

sorry guys ya got me started
^ ^ ^ That is SO TRUE!! People don't think the Japanese have stress with the earthquakes and tsunamis they get, and yet they're far less fat than Americans.

Damn, I'd be pretty PO'ed myself if that happened to my wife and I.
In the O.R. last year they had a contest for losing weight and I told a few nurses they should try to get a competition for best weight gains, ofcourse I had some help at the time, but all the fatties were against my notion
OH FUCK I LOVE PLANET FATNESS! A judge free zone! I won't judge you for eating donuts without sprinkles, if you don't judge me for not eating jelly filled donuts
OH FUCK I LOVE PLANET FATNESS! A judge free zone! I won't judge you for eating donuts without sprinkles, if you don't judge me for not eating jelly filled donuts
lolololololol hey wait, jelly donuts are the shit, you just cant eat them weekly
The thyroid problem is real and bullshit in the same sentence. There are thyroid conditions if its not taken care of with daily meds that must be taken. Once they are taken and up to good levels there is no more problems but you must take your meds. I had a thyroid issue but that was not my issue with being really over weight. I was a fat ass that decided to change lifestyle and workout. My biggest issue was that I was always tired. I would fall a sleep at anytime. but no its not an issue or an excuse for being overweight.
i wanna bring up a couple points here i think you will all find interesting

- in the last 20 years, the hispanic population has almost tripled....hispanics make up 36% of the so called "obese" population. you can see how this would make the number for total obese population in america go up expodentually

- the second highest?....blacks..... the african american population has increased 22% over the last 10 years. more blacks are gentically predisposed to obeseity

-the number is based on BMI...i think most people here know about this number...what you dont know is us as bodybuilders are part of that 65% of america considered obese.

the fact of the matter is we havent really gotten that much fatter at all.....a huge factor is the enormous influx of minority populations and the quality of food they are the end of the day the people we are really worried about is the morbidly obese and that population has only increased an estimated 3-5% in the last 20 years, hardly what i would call an "EPIDEMIC"
i wanna bring up a couple points here i think you will all find interesting

- in the last 20 years, the hispanic population has almost tripled....hispanics make up 36% of the so called "obese" population. you can see how this would make the number for total obese population in america go up expodentually

- the second highest?....blacks..... the african american population has increased 22% over the last 10 years. more blacks are gentically predisposed to obeseity

-the number is based on BMI...i think most people here know about this number...what you dont know is us as bodybuilders are part of that 65% of america considered obese.

the fact of the matter is we havent really gotten that much fatter at all.....a huge factor is the enormous influx of minority populations and the quality of food they are the end of the day the people we are really worried about is the morbidly obese and that population has only increased an estimated 3-5% in the last 20 years, hardly what i would call an "EPIDEMIC"

yeah im going to have to disagree with u on this. I know for a fact that there are way more people overweight, in the sense of fat weight, now than there was 15 years ago by far mor than 3%-5%. When I went to elementary school there would usually be 1 sometimes 2 fat kids in a class, now if you are thin, you are the sore thumb. And rice and beans arent going to make you a fatass, or whatever you are trying to get at with the segregation of different groups
i wanna bring up a couple points here i think you will all find interesting

- in the last 20 years, the hispanic population has almost tripled....hispanics make up 36% of the so called "obese" population. you can see how this would make the number for total obese population in america go up expodentually

- the second highest?....blacks..... the african american population has increased 22% over the last 10 years. more blacks are gentically predisposed to obeseity

-the number is based on BMI...i think most people here know about this number...what you dont know is us as bodybuilders are part of that 65% of america considered obese.

the fact of the matter is we havent really gotten that much fatter at all.....a huge factor is the enormous influx of minority populations and the quality of food they are the end of the day the people we are really worried about is the morbidly obese and that population has only increased an estimated 3-5% in the last 20 years, hardly what i would call an "EPIDEMIC"
You have a good point..Where I work I see what your saying all the time. It lot has to do with their socio economic status rather than their race though from what I food is bad for you, simple as that. But yeah, there defiantly is a "cultural" element there too for sure...Some of these kids eat mac and cheese and gallons of koolaid every single day.
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