ufc guys looking different


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
with all the drug testing anyone notice some of these guys looking way flatter. you couldn't hardly see Tito's ab Saturday and he's always ripped. I predict this will start being common place and we may even see some weight division switching. maybe I'm wrong? ?
with all the drug testing anyone notice some of these guys looking way flatter. you couldn't hardly see Tito's ab Saturday and he's always ripped. I predict this will start being common place and we may even see some weight division switching. maybe I'm wrong? ?

No I think your correct brutha!!! Same thing Happened with Baseball! Truth is Steroids Saved Baseball during the Mark Mcguire / Sosa era with the power hitting and homerun races. And now its back to normal and boring!

And yes Ive noticed tiis witi tie MMA guys as well!
That sucks..<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" height="1" width="1">

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it will come back in. the testing is a joke in all honesty and half the guys i know in MMA use gh. Overeem's positive steroid test, and few other recent ones have drawn negative attention to that side of the sport. It will be back though. Just like anything else, a calming period
No I think your correct brutha!!! Same thing Happened with Baseball! Truth is Steroids Saved Baseball during the Mark Mcguire / Sosa era with the power hitting and homerun races.

I have said this for years. MLB should be sucking Mark Mcguire and Sammy Sosa dicks for life. Baseball was dead before both of them were in the chase for 62.

Instead they tried to trow them to the wolves and ban them for life. Its terrible they way MLB let the media destroy them for what they knew was going on.
with all the drug testing anyone notice some of these guys looking way flatter. you couldn't hardly see Tito's ab Saturday and he's always ripped. I predict this will start being common place and we may even see some weight division switching. maybe I'm wrong? ?
Yep, take a look at Shane Carwin before he got to the UFC, he was a beast.
You're absolutely right bro, things will come back around. There's just a period in every sport where it seems to come and go, there's still plenty of people taking the chance