Ultimate Warrior


MuscleChemistry Member
Im i the only one who was really bummed out hearing about him passing? I almost cried over someone I've never known but then I remember how much he (Warrior) had an effect on my childhood.

I found this video he posted on training and it is spot on. It's long but great to listen to that old school way of thinking of hardcore training.

RIP Warrior
I loved him as a kid. His final speech on Monday Night was very telling. Its almost as if he knew he was going to drop dead. He was one of the greats. Sad...
Not said yet but eye witnesses said he clinched his chest. I'm guessing heart attack.
Loved him when I was a kid man, me and my dad loved watching wrestling. Barest mother fucker!! Forgot how he died but he doesn't look healthy at all in that video. Kidney I bet were shot. Looking at his skin. Something idk, but rip worrior. God made some tough dudes. They don't grow I'm like they used too you know what I'm saying. Bunch a pussy now days. Loved that video. The mind is all!!!
He was probably driving a lot just before he passed away. He just went to that WWE event and was inducted into the hall of fame. He collapsed outside his hotel. sitting in a car for hours and hours is like sitting in a plane. I would guess he has a blood clot and died of a pulmonary embolism. Just a guess.
Ill admit it when i was a kid and he was introduced or about to do his finisher i would run like crazy in the living room doing shoulder presses lol:bench:



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I had one of his dolls i think called wrestle buddy
heard it was enlarged heart. Not sure though. He was a wild man sprinting to the ring. lol Only 54 too. RIP
He indeed did not look good at his last public event. Shaky and sweaty. Very good speech though. Spoken from the heart.