Unsolicated Workout tips


New member
I'm sure this happens to you guys too. Waiting in line or on a isle at the grocery someone comes up and says "you work out?" My standard reply is "Ahh I try to make it to the gym when I can". Then the akward small talk starts. The whole time you're thinking "look bro I'm just tryin to buy wife some tampons". They always have to give you some tips, a gem of knowledge... I tell ya how to get big son. 6 raw eggs for breakfast and a bowl of pasta before you go to the gym. Learn to eat extra rare beef. Cooking it burns all the good stuff right out of it. Then they tell you about that time they leg pressed 600lbs...
And that is why I work out at the dungeon. My buddy had a gym in town several years ago. When he closed it we put all the stuff we use in a old building in his back yard. It's hot and dirty... I love it!
And that is why I work out at the dungeon. My buddy had a gym in town several years ago. When he closed it we put all the stuff we use in a old building in his back yard. It's hot and dirty... I love it!

Sounds like my gym, no A/C, smells like sweat and rust, and you definitely can't wear white and expect it to stay that color
The thing I hate is when people ask if you go to the gym, like it's not fucking obvious. Or when you meet someone and they wanna squeeze the fuck out of your hand to show dominance like it's a competition or something
The thing I hate is when people ask if you go to the gym, like it's not fucking obvious. Or when you meet someone and they wanna squeeze the fuck out of your hand to show dominance like it's a competition or something
Lol , these things amuse me. I really like watching people try to subtly puff up like blowfish after they notice a bodybuilder is in the room.
I have a cousin that's always been jealous of me and he'll get on these kicks talking about he works for a living and he's so strong. He can beat anyone in arm wrestling. I end up getting fed up with it and arm wrestling him. I win he makes excuses my elbow hurts for a week...