Powderguy, EMW14 was absolutely right with his description. I thought I was sleeping all night long, but in reality I stopped breathing MULTIPLE times. I wish I kept my paperwork. It told you everything. How many times I stopped breathing, how long I would stop, how many times I snore, how many times I unknowingly woke up... God, I wish I could remember. You would think I was making it up. To answer your original question, I went to my primary Dr and she referred me to a place they dealt with. I don't remember what type of place though. If you have a primary then I'd start with them. On a plus side for me.. My Dr would harass me about my red blood cell count being high after a few rest... She flat out asked me one time if I was on AAS "of course not Dr! Steroids are bad!" Lol... But once I was diagnosed with sleep apnea she got off my back about my high blood cell count saying that was the reason for it. Yay!! You guys think it's bad having a Dr harass you about being on stuff, try being a girl... Ugh! Sorry, for such a long winded reply, lol
i would love to be a female for a day! Oh the things i would do to myself! lol