up the test during pre-contest...


MuscleChemistry member
Anybody thought about this? You normally see test on the average around 1000mg-1500mg a week during precontest cycle. But what about double it. Im doing 2grams offseason, so what about doing 4grams precontest along with the others? Would it hurt? help?

Just something I thought about...:drooling:
IMO, precontest is for maintaining muscle while you lean down. offseason is for high dosages and putting on muscle at any cost.

im sure some guys do it the opposite of that, but its not the norm. I personally think it would be alot of sides and a waste of test running at 4gms precontest.
Well I think the first phase of dieting you will grow really well.. cause your diet is on point...I dont know if you need to double up the test, but maybe go a tad higher than you did in the offseason..could spark some growth....So Nuk, if you doing 2 grams right now, then maybe up it to 2.5 grams and see how you respond to that...
Personally when i was in precontest mode i did heavy test enanthate right up until 2 weeks out, with a cross over from 3 weeks out up to contest day with high prop. Worked really well for me, and bump with the growth Chris250 mentioned above too.
i've gotten a few messages from IFBB pro Flavio Baccianninni on facebook about his contest approach....he would train 6 months out of the year and grow into a contest much like Kevin Levrone.......so if he were cruising doses during his off time, he definitely would take more gear and higher doses leading into a show
high doses of test, an anabolic with some hgh, and slin...and watch yourself get huge and lean....