Update on My Kidney Issues! Uh OHHHH lol

thats awesome bro about ur son and ur kidney! and i will get it done, i just think maybe closer to September
yeah i know, and my wife is up my ass about taking care of it now, but i am going to try to get through til fall or winter, i just don't wanna be down and out for months on end during spring and summer, and this is going to take many months, surgery one, then heal time, then right back to surgery number 2, then heal time, then right back to procedure number 3 which is a tube stuck up my cock hole, then heal again, FUCK THAT
Hey Presser why do they not bust it up with shock waves and then you piss it out. My friend just went through this pissing out the fragments hurt like hell but he is all good without any surgery's.
thats awesome bro about ur son and ur kidney! and i will get it done, i just think maybe closer to September
Thanks! That's why I have to be careful of what I put into my body. As you're well aware of, some of our gear is hard on the kidneys, and only having 1, I can't afford to damage it.
If you can safely wait another 6 months for your surgery then that's cool, but don't put your life in jeopardy just because you wanna look good for the summer. You have a family to think about too. Not to mention we'd miss you here.
Hey Presser why do they not bust it up with shock waves and then you piss it out. My friend just went through this pissing out the fragments hurt like hell but he is all good without any surgery's.

It's way to big bro.
I have passed two kidney stones so far, NOT fun at all. If it is too big to pass it naturally, you MUST get it broken up. They can usually do it via ultrasound. The issue is that if you do not get it broken up it WILL block the path of your urine and you will no longer be able to pee. Eventually it will hurt so badly you will be begging them to insert the catheter.
I agree with most of the guys above Presser. Don't put it off. A little down time and you will be back in the gym killing it. How long ago did you start feeling the pain?
Im in PA school and also work for an xray company we do a lot of scanning of Xray for lawyers office of a urology clinic. Through all my rotations and Xray scanning I have never seen a kidney stone that big.... That mofo is a stalactite/ stalagmite (one of those two)
Im in PA school and also work for an xray company we do a lot of scanning of Xray for lawyers office of a urology clinic. Through all my rotations and Xray scanning I have never seen a kidney stone that big.... That mofo is a stalactite/ stalagmite (one of those two)

lmao, yeah my doctor said its the second biggest he has seen , as i said above he called it a MOUNTAIN not a stone lmao