

New member
Been taking time off from the gym for 6 weeks now while cruising with 225/225 prop/tren per week. Been eating alot of food, not all great. Feel good. Haven't lost any visable mass, weight is the same, and actually getting leaner.

Before cruise was a 14 week blast of test/tren/dbol which netted about 23 pounds.

Looking forward to starting back at the gym / blast in 3-4 weeks. I'm hoping the time off from the gym will help for another quality growth spurt. Here's my next blast:

1-5 adrol 50mg. ed
1-5 test prop 100mg. ed
1-14 test enth. 300mg. eod
1-14 tren ace 100mg. eod
9-14 winny 50mg. ed
Keep us updated...

Good luck with the blast...

You do DC training ???
Never tried DC. Heard alot of good things about it. To be very honest I've tried alot of other programs and none really fit me. I find my best results come from just hitting what I want how I want. I generally no-longer keep any routine. Having said that I do hit it very hard, I like the big movement heavy exercise. Also this way I can maybe high rep an area I'm happy with and low rep an area that needs to be brought up. Another advantage is that sometimes you recover longer and sometimes shorter which can be factored into your next workout. Basically I try and listen to my body it seems to work well.
how are you feeling? I was cruising with test and tren for a while, but i had to stop because i started feeling very lethargic.
Energy level is pretty good but not the same as it was on blast. Sometimes I'll go 3-4 days bettween prop shots though and can feel a differance in about 12 hours when I take one. Bad thing is I've been getting itchy skin sometimes, seems to happen when using caffine. Itchy skin in my case has a high association with liver failure so I gotta go get bloodwork soon just to make sure.
Don't forget the milk thistle and liv-52. Great aids to help the liver.
Don't forget the milk thistle and liv-52. Great aids to help the liver.

even if you can't get liv52, definitely get the thistle.. easy to find, and of course there's no excuse not to take it.... let us know how your blood work went...