updating the gym


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well I just found out that y where I lift is getting 130 through 150lb dumbells very soon. They heard me talkning to a couple of the guys at the gym about sprotworx and decided they need to up their game. They also plan on getting a bunch of hammer stength equipment also. I'm def happy about all this.
That's good news. I have been bugging my gym to get bigger dumbells for a long time but they won't do it. There claim is that insurance skyrockets when they go over 120lbs.
thats good news, when that comes all in...I will be training there more often...
Well I just found out that y where I lift is getting 130 through 150lb dumbells very soon. They heard me talkning to a couple of the guys at the gym about sprotworx and decided they need to up their game. They also plan on getting a bunch of hammer stength equipment also. I'm def happy about all this.

Thats pretty cool, unless they get those rubber fucking weights, which by the way i like and dont mind, its just that they are so fucking big and long as opposed to the metal weights which are more compact. I remember using rubber coated 120's and they were like 2 feet long each,lol, crazy!
That's awesome, I'd love to have the option to use more hammer strength equipment but my gym doesn't really have anything