upset stomach?


New member
Guys, does Nolvadex give anyone a upset stomach or gas? I started nolva after a cycle of test/tren for gyno and while on it started a cycle of Winny/D-bol. 50mgEd winny 40mg ED D-bol. Now I'm hopeing that it aint the winny/D-bol, but I've had a upset stomach since before I started the cycle. Any ideals on what is causing it. THanks guys
I think you just answered your own question bro. I never heard of anyone getting upset stomach from Nolva. You are taking winny@50 and Dbol?. A big nono IMO. Not good to stack two orals. One oral puts enough stress on your "tummy" and liver now taking two will only make it worse. I drop the Dbol(it sucks anyway). It doesn't make sense why you are taking Dbol with winny? and winny alone will not give you good results. Im confused are you bulking or a cutting?:confused:
Probably not a good idea to take those two orals together(winny/dbol), but besides that I'd say that, yes they are giving you the stomach problems. If I take either one of those without food, I have stomach cramps and gas. Try eating whenever you take them. I hope you are taking some ancillaries for your liver and kidneys with that cycle because that could turn out bad.
Elmonizzle said:
I think you just answered your own question bro. I never heard of anyone getting upset stomach from Nolva. You are taking winny@50 and Dbol?. A big nono IMO. Not good to stack two orals. One oral puts enough stress on your "tummy" and liver now taking two will only make it worse. I drop the Dbol(it sucks anyway). It doesn't make sense why you are taking Dbol with winny? and winny alone will not give you good results. Im confused are you bulking or a cutting?:confused:

Sums it up in a nutshell.....:)
Elmonizzle said:
make you a deal, let me have your avatar and I will let you answer b4 me:D

Forget the avatar, I want who's IN the avatar. Now can you set something like that up Cannons? lol
I would concur, the two orals of Winny and D-Bol are what is doing it. I would guess by the combination you are using, that you are bulking, eventhough that would not have been my choice for a bulking cycle. Your prior cycle should have been a Trenbolone Acetate(Fina)/Winny cycle for a cutting cycle and then your next cycle should have been a Test/D-bol cycle for a looks like you can't make up your mind and are doing inbetweener cycles as I call them. Doing this you are not optimizing your gains or maximizing your muscle are somewhat pissing away your money. It is always as Elmonizzle, Cannons, and Missfit pointed "no-no" (in most cases) to stack 2 orals in a cycle. It is hell on the liver and the body in general...

Good advice you got here Iron Bro...
Polly Want a Cracker on this one.
2 orals. Even have a bro of mine that gets killed just from taking naposim. He partakes heavily in alcoholic beverages as well so he's not quite the sharpest tool in the shed.
jaywooly said:
Forget the avatar, I want who's IN the avatar. Now can you set something like that up Cannons? lol

Bro, if I could it'd be all me,.............but ya know, it ain't no fun if the homeys can't get some!!

Elmonizzle, you can have the avatar, I have more, different poses! Tasteful of course.