US Employment Rates


National Strongman Competitor
Since politics are all the talk here, here's another interesting article that appeared today...

Supposedly, the US jobless rate drops to 7.8% which is the lowest it has been since Obama took office. Mind you, during his presidency, it has remained consistenly the highest rate ever for 43 months straight until now...

Do you guys find this ironic, the month before elections, or do you think jobs are returning??

US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low - Yahoo! Finance

My personal thought process is this, the rates are BS because of the following:
If you are working part time and making a quarter of what you used to make, you're employed. If you quit looking for a job and unemployment ran out, you're invisible

its bullshit! along with the claim about the housing prices going up all the sudden,lmao, they are in cahoots*

Also the unemployment rate is much higher but so many people dropped out of unemployment and stopped looking for work all together, that now those people arent counted towards the UE rate, so its all a shamm!!!!!!!!!!
oh and 27million to 43million now on food stamps, wtf?

Wow, didn't know that...its scary...

I saw a documentary the other day on Spain and its nightmare economy. They were showing that people show up in hordes to restraunts dumpsters and when they throw out food, people pick through and eat it...

They interviewed a handful of people there, most of them were previous homeowners and lost their jobs, their entire families were, and food banks were empty, so this was the next stop,rather then turn to crime.
Wow, didn't know that...its scary...

I saw a documentary the other day on Spain and its nightmare economy. They were showing that people show up in hordes to restraunts dumpsters and when they throw out food, people pick through and eat it...

They interviewed a handful of people there, most of them were previous homeowners and lost their jobs, their entire families were, and food banks were empty, so this was the next stop,rather then turn to crime.

im pretty sure those numbers are correct for food stamps and yes its sad!

As for Spain im not too familiar with their issues or policys ect
Lol. All bs.. Im a skilled craftsman and jobs are slim and now employers are using that tactic
as to their benefit to say opening is 15$ hour when it was 34$ I'm lucky to be working bs..they can keep it plus no health benefits btw..
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I'm lucky enough to be in a company that will certainly not be cutting jobs or going out of business and I'm very happy that I don't have to worry about that. I couldn't imagine always being worried about if/when my job could be cut. The guys I know around here in the coal mines are going through cuts right now and it sucks, but at the same time, these guys get that job and go buy $50k trucks, $200k houses and then cry when they get their hours cut and can't make ends meet. You have to know at some point that you're working in a field that has the potential to lay you off or cut your hours or just be permanently terminated
I'm lucky enough to be in a company that will certainly not be cutting jobs or going out of business and I'm very happy that I don't have to worry about that. I couldn't imagine always being worried about if/when my job could be cut. The guys I know around here in the coal mines are going through cuts right now and it sucks, but at the same time, these guys get that job and go buy $50k trucks, $200k houses and then cry when they get their hours cut and can't make ends meet. You have to know at some point that you're working in a field that has the potential to lay you off or cut your hours or just be permanently terminated

That is my daily fear. I won't buy anything on credit even if I could.. That's too bad for people with families ..and I'm serious on this.. the older I get the more fukd I am.. Sorry just venting.. Lol..
The number is low ONLY because the size of the work force in this country is at a 31 year low. If the work force were the same size as when Obama took office the Unemployment rate would be close to 11%.
That is my daily fear. I won't buy anything on credit even if I could.. That's too bad for people with families ..and I'm serious on this.. the older I get the more fukd I am.. Sorry just venting.. Lol..

I would hate to live like that. I feel bad for everyone in that situation
I belong to a site thats called Shadow Government Stats, he is a statistics guy that does stats for real not government Bull shit. His stats are unemployment
September Unemployment: 7.8% (U.3), 14.7% (U.6), 22.8% (

Atlas is Shrugging.

The orginal Ayn Rand book right? Didn't this get released a yr or 2 ago? I thought I just saw a trailer that promoted Atlas Shrugged part II, is this correct or was I high??

Yes BO BO cooked the books, put his slant on the UE figures just a month before elections. Does he think we are that dumb???