Using Gear whike trying to impregnant the wife


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Any of you guys heard that its bad trying to make a baby while on gear? I know sperm count should be down while on gear but what about other affects? Like potiential harm to baby having problems.
I've read from various sources that although AAS reduces sperm count and mobility it does not cause any sperm mutations or intracellular damage. You can check out the pubmed website to look at various studies.
I know alot of people with steroid babies. None of them had any issues. Other than not being expected Lol
Most steriod babies turn out to be girls......I know of 10 bb who have had babies and 9 out 10 are has something to do wtih the gear you're on.
BUT, if you're on a heavy or ever continuing cycle you're probably shooting blanks, this was my case 3 years ago and again when my wife and I went back to the baby doctor for another try. I had my levels checked and no bullets in the now I am back on hcg, torem and clomid in hopes to go from 0 to something. 3 years ago I was at zero and within 2 months I was able to jump to 16 million and sucessful in having our second child. I dont have the best insurance so they will not cover the meds or fertility Doc I need like I did in the past so I had to get HCG 5,000 IU per snap from my source and then buy research Torem and Clomid. Nobody seems to have the FSH on the black market that really helps the HCG as a combo.
Has anyone used or had sucess using the research liquid Torem / Clomid in hopes to increase sperm count? If so what would be the recomended dosages when incorporating HCG? I wish I had the vial of HCG to use smaller dosages, but could only get 5,000 IU snaps.
4 girls here, all while on. Also my oldest is 18 and youngest is 3 so i am a user, both of short and long trem.

. I do have friends who all have had girls also. I think some truth to it.
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1 girl here...

No issues, freakishly strong though...not sure if it's a side effect but she did a 90lb deadlift from 16" at age 4...she weighed 40lbs hahahahaha
Damn, I don't want any girls, lol, id kill someone over my little man, but a little girl, Id be 10 times more protective