using s4 andarine effectively


New member
I’ve heard many different dosage recommendations when it comes to S4 some guys are running 25 milligrams and I’ve seen some running 100 milligrams per day. Even saw one dude who was running it every other day
what is the proper way to run this sarm?
My stats are five foot 6
160 pounds and I’m around 10% body fat looking to put on lean gains and strength
I’ve heard many different dosage recommendations when it comes to S4 some guys are running 25 milligrams and I’ve seen some running 100 milligrams per day. Even saw one dude who was running it every other day
what is the proper way to run this sarm?
My stats are five foot 6
160 pounds and I’m around 10% body fat looking to put on lean gains and strength
100mgs is NUTS TOO MUCH
do not go over 25mgs with andarine s4