Vacation Planning

it all depends bro, what's your current cycle going to consist of?
Personally dependiing on your cycle and when you end up running PCT why bother bringing anything to Mexico when you can pick up whatever you need while you're there and not have to worry about taking anything across the border either way depending on where you're going of course.

As for drinking, if this is a lifestyle for you and you've dedicated countless hours in the gym getting your body to look great why risk your health and all of the hard work on a few nights of reckless drinking? The girls will still get drunk and hook up with you wether you're drunk or not. A few drinks here and there won't really hurt you but try and eat clean while you're there if possible. Bring some ALA with you and LIV-52 and take them everyday.
Hey Mike, the cycle is...

Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10
Tren Acetate 100mg Every other day 1 - 10
Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10

I'll be going in cancun so i dont really wana run arond lookin for Anti-E's while im there.

Think I should start the cycle ASAP or wait the 2 weeks?

Thanks bro
I think you should look at this like it's contest prep and follow what a contestant would do... since I'm not a competitor I will bump for someone who can speak from experience.
bump for some suggestions...

I havent started yet but its getting close to crunch time... start asap or wait and go into vacation at the end of a cycle?
Im actually thinking of reducing the Tren from 100mg to 70mg and taking some Liv-52 while im at it.

Bump for vacations info