Viagra experiences.

viagra is a stronger feeling that hits you quick and leaves you faster! Cialis is a smooth feeling that some people... well horny people dont even notice but you can easily get a wood for 2-3 days after taking it with less side effects!

They are both fun I am not sure which I would choose if I knew I was having sex right then and there I would probably go viagra just because I know it better but I like not having to plan it making the cialis a good option also!

Try the liquid cialis from our research friend!
Notacow – the hard to finish shit sucks, picture this:

You drop a Viagra –drop in a DVD you rented from and invite the wife to join you on the couch.
You start foolin’ around – She’s impressed with your Wood tonight..
After about 20 min. of foreplay and oral you start hammering -
60 minuets later your still hammering - she’s popped off several “O” and is just wipped out – you’ve hit every position you can think off – you starting to go numb – you feel like you just finished an hour long super Cardio session and now you haven’t eaten in about 2 hours so you fucking staving.
All you want to do is drop a nut and get a bowl of cereal………
" you starting to go numb – you feel like you just finished an hour long super Cardio session and now you haven’t eaten in about 2 hours so you fucking staving. "
:D :D :D :D
This whole thread just cracks me up.
A gentleman always lets a lady go first. Sometimes that means you miss and don't hit. Life's a beach. Have some cheerios.
Latinsteel - are you male of female -- lol

BTW - My lady has tried it a few times - Don't try it when the neighbors are home
CCapel said:
Latinsteel - are you male of female -- lol

BTW - My lady has tried it a few times - Don't try it when the neighbors are home

:rolleyes: No dude I will not go out with you! Maybe whenn I am in my late 30's then I will need it but at the age of 21 a boner comes easy.
latin. you keep saying 'i don't need it' . You've said it 3 times now. That's basically ALL you're saying.

You know, that's not the topic here. No one asked if you need it. This thread is not about 'needing it' the thread is about 'viagra drug-abuse'.

What are we supposed to think about your repeated denials?
I don't think you're paying attention to what people are talking about here.
notacow said:
latin. you keep saying 'i don't need it' . You've said it 3 times now. That's basically ALL you're saying.

You know, that's not the topic here. No one asked if you need it. This thread is not about 'needing it' the thread is about 'viagra drug-abuse'.

What are we supposed to think about your repeated denials?
I don't think you're paying attention to what people are talking about here.

YOU KNOW WHAT.....another person in here posted a question and I anwsered it! Don't get my words all twisted up I am not downgrading thoughs who use it. The bottom line here is I see no use for it for me YET and people should be careful when using any medical substance no doutb about that.
"I don't need a pill to get it up!" is NOT an answer to to a question that ANYONE asked here.

The question is "Who's tried it? How did it work? How did it feel? Any advice?"

You havn't used it, You don't know how it works. You don't know how it feels. You don't have any advice.

You should stay out of this thread.
LOL, I don't need viagra. I don't need juice either but they both enhance my already amazing performance ability. Noone is to good that they can't use a lil extra umffff.
notacow said:
"I don't need a pill to get it up!" is NOT an answer to to a question that ANYONE asked here.

The question is "Who's tried it? How did it work? How did it feel? Any advice?"

You havn't used it, You don't know how it works. You don't know how it feels. You don't have any advice.

You should stay out of this thread.

No I have never used it. But I just added my opinion because I can't see myself needing it thats all. Second I don't have to stay out of any thread...who do you think you are! I suggest that you not take everything someone writes on here so serious that you try to start a pissing contest. Look and this is the last time I will reply to this thread because it's simply not worht my time...if you use it theres no problem with that and if it helps you improve your sex drive thats great!
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Well, I tried to explain.

Five times latin says "I don't need it".
Have to wonder, if he really doesn't need it, then what's all the fuss about? I mean, it's not like anyone asked.