Victor Martinez court update


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Muscle Gossip #37.5- Victor Martinez Court Update

Published Date
Written by Aaron Singerman

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At 1 pm today, Victor Martinez walked into a US Immigration and Customs courtroom with hopes of leaving a free man. Sadly, things did not go how he, and most of the bodybuilding community, had hoped. While his girlfriend and IFBB Pro Jon Delarosa observed, the lawyers conferred. Interestingly, Victor’s lawyer teleconferenced in, as he wasn’t able to be in New York for the case. After all was said and done, the judge decided to side with the government, thus denying bail to Martinez. His next
hearing will be January 6th, 2012.
By January 6th, Victor will have been in I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) holding for almost 90 days. If you read my last column (, you’d remember that the 90-day mark is significant since that's the cut-off period for the US government to hold someone in an immigration matter. At the 90-day mark, they need to either release or charge Martinez with a crime. Either that or deport him.
Best case scenario would be Victor spending 3 extremely depressing months in a federal holding cell. These cells are 6 by 8 feet in size, with steel or brick walls and one solid or barred door; not a fun place to spend three months. Victor would then get out with the ability to renew his green card. With this timeframe, there's no way Victor would be able to get ready for the Arnold, on March 2nd-4th. This would give him around 8 weeks to not only diet, but put back on a the muscle he will surely lose while locked up. If this scenario comes to pass (and I hope it does), then we could certainly see Victor back on the Olympia stage come September.
Second best scenario would be that on January 6th, Victor is deported back to the Dominican Republic. He would liver very well in that country on substantially less money than he is currently making. As I said in the last column, there are 9 shows outside of the US in the 2012 season, and for most of them he'd certainly be considered the "favorite" to win.
The worst possible situation is that the government isn’t deporting him now because they're investigating or building a federal case against Victor. I have no details on this, and wouldn’t speculate on what those charges could possibly be; however, I have been told by a lawyer that specializes in immigration law in New York City that this is certainly a possible scenario. With the government’s federal convection rate at almost 95%, this is decidedly the nightmare scenario. Obviously, if this were to occur, Victor would not only serve his sentence in a federal prison, but when the sentence was completed, he would then be deported.
Over the course of the day, today, I received many emails, text messages, tweets (#freevictormartinez), and calls from friends and fans worried about Victor. It’s been overwhelming the amount of people who have reached out to me in hopes of receiving good news. I’m truly sorry the news for Victor wasn’t better, but there's absolutely no doubt that people are worried about him. Victor is no angel, he’s made mistakes in life, but the amount and level of concern and love he’s inspired in people he’s met, befriended, and competed with tells the story of a man worth rooting for.
Free Victor Martinez.
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*Edited by the wonderful Darielle Gaines.
That's just nuts. Has there been any news as to why he was locked up in the first place? I've been in a US Marshalls holding cell for 72 hours and if that's anything like what he's in, then I feel deeply sorry for him because that is the worst place in the world to be. And I can only imagine how much mass he will have used in a 3 month period
I keep hearing he got caught bringing ecstacy into the country from his last show, but i have no solid information regarding this, only hearsay from people that know him
I keep hearing he got caught bringing ecstacy into the country from his last show, but i have no solid information regarding this, only hearsay from people that know him

Really??? how old is he?
Unless it was a huge amount - just personal shouldnt be grounds for a Fed. investigation.

Well for him it would be a huge deal as he has a pretty decent record, but again its just hearsay at this point and I wish him noithing but the best
wow 38? if thats the case grow the fuck up with the ecstacy shit
I couldnt imagine doing it at any age other than teens really, and thats bc the frontal lobe isnt yet fused and people are still dumb at that age