Voted for my future Pres yesterday! Time to build a wall, have safer communities, less crime, lower taxes, and an intelligent man to get better trade deals and get this country out of so much debt! #TRUMP #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN
(temporary for Ashikabi)Well this is refreshing. Good to see reasonable folk on the internet. Been following Wikileaks pretty closely. Better stock up on ammo and food folks. Hillary has this election in her filthy pocket. I expect some crazy shit to go down in the next few months. Makes me fucking sick
For the first time in a long time, people are going to be on the look out for voter fraud which will hurt Killary. Also, you have a large group of people that haven't voted in a long time that it appears will be voting this year. I hope we see the same as we did when Regan won.
The way I see it we are screwed no matter if Trump or Clinton gets in as president, but it will differ in the amount of HOW screwed we will be. Yes, I voted, not saying who I voted for, but in the end, maybe I'll just move to Canada or Brazil!
Not me, I will stand and fight for my country. If I go out in a hail of brass and blood then so be it.
I'm pretty worried, Hillary leading in polls and pundits saying she take electoral college. It seems like this country is headed to the USSA format, we dropped the ball on the previous 2 elections and dont see if improving here
Trump, country need change and bad. Tired of paying for Obama's don't care crap. Also how can someone who had the email deal able to run even? Hillary sucks and bad but not good enough for hubby!
Not me, I will stand and fight for my country. If I go out in a hail of brass and blood then so be it.

Amen! And for all those Celebrities who said they would move to another country if Trump wins, well get packing and good riddance !

I quite honestly get choked up when I see that Red Electorate Map of the Country, and reason being is I would sit here steaming about whats going on in this country , mostly for this under culture being accepted as the norm, and the elitist in Washington doing as they please, and wondered to myself, Can I really be in the minority here? And last night WE came out in fucking droves to say NO more!
FUCKING VICTORY IS AWESOME! No WW3, no Cold War 2, no more bullshit. Can't wait to see that bitch in court.

PS, I found the "Can't stump the Trump" videos on YouTube and found them to be hilarious. Seriously recommend checking them out. First episode is lame so skip right to #2.

I think it shows just how upset the foundation CONTRIBUTING members of this society have become. Everyone lives off of our work and tax revenue and then villanizes us over and over. If I'm not good enough for you then why is my money!? It's about time. The entitlement must end... and it will end one way or another.. I think this is the most peaceful option... but some of these groups have gotten too big for their britches.... I foresee some smack down...
You want $15 an hour?? Get a better JOB! Flipping burgers is a part time high-school job, not a career
I think it shows just how upset the foundation CONTRIBUTING members of this society have become. Everyone lives off of our work and tax revenue and then villanizes us over and over. If I'm not good enough for you then why is my money!? It's about time. The entitlement must end... and it will end one way or another.. I think this is the most peaceful option... but some of these groups have gotten too big for their britches.... I foresee some smack down...
You want $15 an hour?? Get a better JOB! Flipping burgers is a part time high-school job, not a career
But... The sign said it was a career!!! Saw on Facebook there are a bunch of "protests" now. Wonder how long it'll be until they start burning down their own cities. I'm not really racist in any realistic capacity but... fuck Black Lives Matter. If they could get off of CNN's tit then they could be OK and maybe make progress but rioting whenever something they don't like, justified or not, happens is fucking stupid.

Sorry, that's my rant for today