Walmart Strike

Couldn't agree more! Shut the fucking border down! Im
actually sitting here watching border wars as we speak lol and it's crazy how many illegals flood this country and the drugs seized is jaw dropping!

Anyhow they have this high tech camera that spots illegals crossing and you know it can be equipped to shoot illegals autonomously lol Sorry I seen that in a movie lol but it worked lol I know , just when you thought you were going to have an intelligent conversation I bring up shooting em all lol
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Maybe the govt could force the unemployed citizens to build a berlin wall on the southwest border and arm it with video camera mounted machine guns? Outstanding idea
An interesting thing i was told tonight by my union commitee guy. "Walmart gives their employees a pamplet during their new hire orientation, that shows them how to apply for food stamps and govt healthcare." Theres around 1.3mill walmart employees in this country... Yes thats great business, and exactly what this country was founded on lol. Lets pass those savings right onto the people of this country while shirking their responsibilites to maximize profits and further lowering the standard of living in this country
Quite simply......Fuck Wal-Mart and if I could, I'd never go there. I don't believe in what they're about anymore. Like Rep said, when Sam Walton was around it was exactly what he had envisioned, now it's the exact opposite and he's probably turning in his grave