Want big arms, try this!


MuscleChemistry member
Just watch them grow like crazy, lol

I can never see the vids you post Nuk.. I'm thinking it's because I'm always surfing on my iPhone.. But alot of other guys video post seems to work. Like they get redirected to YouTube and it works there..

I'm only assuming your vids are links from YouTube also
Love that 2 inch range of movement he's got going there. It would have top it off if he would have flipped over the bench or the bar come back and hit him in the mouth.
I knew as soon as I saw the weight that it was going to be stupid, but I thought he'd at least TRY to curl it.
This is priceless, I can't get enough of this shit. This is about 75% of the high schoolers at my gym...They are always doing dumb shit like this
I use to see a kid at my bench press 315 and move the bar about 2" up and down with a spotter.... and all I could do was lol !!!
I see that with squats ALL the time...They are more like knee bends than squats. ROM is not in their vocabulary
does that kid realize ur supposed to have some/any kind of range of motion while curling, or does he really think just holding the weight does something..
does that kid realize ur supposed to have some/any kind of range of motion while curling, or does he really think just holding the weight does something..
If it dose I will be the next Dwnnis Wolf ... lol:bench:
The video I would like to see is his douche bag friends lifting that weight up for him to curl it. That would be priceless.